
Godzilla never dies.

Ah, You’re Under Arrest, great slice of life-cop story-gearhead manga who suffer from slower than paraplegic snails story growth.

This is pretty accurate assessment for most cars from Lexus but let’s just take minute to appreciate not all cars from Lexus will put you to sleep.

Lexus ES.

Why is everyone getting so upset? When people drive stuff like this, Lexus only spots and handicap spots are basically the same thing.

He was also the designer of eX’-Driver (get it right, video guy!) and behind a lot of game RPG series (esp the “Tales of” series). I would have listed in that his “You’re Under Arrest” as it had a decent amount of car & motorcycle chase, Future GXP Cyber Formula and IGXP (Immortal Grand Prix). Redline was one series I

Ah! My Goddess is a magical waifu story written by a Gearhead. Sometimes the Gearhead side become dominant and it become gearhead story

Though I’ve watched initial D more times than a 46 year old man should, I think Wangan Midnight is by far better. Maybe not as exciting, but so much deeper, as it really gets into the spiritual connection between the drivers, their cars, and the web between them. Incredibly well written, and if you know much about the

Anime and racing are my two big hobbies in life, and finding places where they mix is so limited.

Congratulations, Mr. Stephen MacArthur, on COTD! I would like to gift you with a Fiat which this lovely lady will deliver soon. She couldn’t find a Fiat EcoBasic.

People don’t watch Initial D because it’s anime. They watch it because it’s Initial D.


Stop confusing them with facts...

Rejoicing! I have long lamented the absence of small pickups in the US, and this looks like exactly what we’re missing. A compact truck with Hyundai’s low pricing and excellent warranty will do well, I think. I wonder if it’ll be available with a diesel engine.

that’s because he sells that stuff to kids that want to be like him

Predict that this biting satire will whoosh over the heads of a few readers.

I’m guessing it’s at least partly because he’s one of the founders of DC Shoes, who sell a lot of skater/surfer dude brogear. Always be selling, they say

Next: lunakhana. Ken block hooning the lunar rover on the moon.

For a very very early alpha trailer this looks amazing. Very polished, perfect!!!!!! Nice job Yu Suzuki!!

& every SUV (pronounced Soov, like Move only with an S) driver ever