
I’m of the firm belief that AM radio is important and to be preserved. Not everyone has a cell phone, not everyone has access to reliable charging and reliable income to pay the monthly bill, but everyone needs access to information on severe weather or other disasters. Plus, as union-hardrolls pointed out, AM radio

That’s a dumb argument that can be made about almost any tax. Without a robust inheritance tax there is no practical difference between wealthy capitalist dynasties and royalty inheriting land and titles.

I would’ve gone with “Planes aren’t air tight like a Riley Reid gangbang” but to each their own.

Upon further review... I’m an idiot. FL100 is just about where they’re pressurized to. They aborted their climb right around there so the passengers didn’t experience anything different than a normal flight.

I was going to make the easy Jay Leno joke, but Brad beat me to the punch.

I’m a little surprised at the hate this thing is getting in the comments. Like, Ford is making something very cool. They’re answering ‘what if’ and turning bench racing into an actual product. A lot of R&D is going into it. Carbon fiber, trick aero, inboard suspension.

Speak for yourself. Please do.

No hate, but what else can you add to an interior to make it worth the price they are charging? Crystal knobs? Fiber optic headliner? Cover every surface available in leather from cows that have never touched barbed wire?

It’s probably just some hair-brained idea a DaimlerChrysler engineer had

My experience is limited solely to video games. So, I guess take it with a grain of salt.

Wait, the $300,000 race focused supercar wearing a mustang skin does well on a racetrack? NO WAY.

They had an advantage. Other teams figured out that advantage and upgraded their cars. Meanwhile, their chief design guy stopped working on their cars. Other teams did not have this problem and continued to upgrade their cars. The Redbull team has also been lousy with scandal/legal trouble and I can’t imagine having

That’s why I believe fines should be tied to income. For the uber rich, fines are just the cost of doing business. However, if you change the fines and adjust them with how much they earn, they’ll be singing a different tune. Finland has speeding fines based on income and I’m okay with that. Quit punishing the poor

this calls for a classic!

Hi, its me again. So one good reason why this is a terrible way to prevent unsuitable vehicles on difficult trails is that “AWD” is NOT a good distinction and its out of date.

Exactly. The Mirage today is not in the same class as the Mirage then, which competed with Civic, Corolla, Sentra, Escort and even looked a lot like a then Protege. I had a rental Mirage around that time and thought it decent and easy to live with.

Well the old Mirage was really the Lancer, so it’s kind of an apples to oranges comparison. It would be more fair to compare it to a base model Colt from 1993, but I don’t think we got that in the states. Regardless, we lose something when there are no more basic, cheap cars to buy.

Yeesh, the rumors of trouble at Fanatec are why I got a Moza DD setup, that was a good move. 

I understand that times are tough for Jalopnik right now, but whoever is currently maintaining your site has made it nigh-unreadable. Whenever you scroll to the bottom of an article, it leaves the article and takes you to a random Root web page. It’s absolutely maddening and I won’t be returning until it’s fixed,

I hate to say it, but $100k is the new $75k. Cars generally have gotten more expensive across the board, especially performance cars. I think a better way to look at Corvette prices is to compare them to their competitors of the time. For example: