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Police and Fire departments ordered them to flee their cars.

Having been caught in fires in 2018 in Malibu you have no idea how ferocious the fire moves through an area. If there’s a traffic jam and it’s not moving at all, you see other people panic and make a run for it. As soon as the car in front does that that screws everyone behind them. It has a knock on effect.

easy to say, you are not sitting in a mile of unmoving traffic with cars already on the shoulder with a fire getting closer in your rearview mirror every minute.


Nah this is cool. The new Prius demonstrated that you can have low-drag, efficient design in a 4-door hatchback while still making it look good. I see this as Honda’s move into the same territory.

for a $1.5 million dollar house, it better have either gas or induction....

Walking 20 minutes a day is nothing... and actually pretty important for us keyboard nerds.

80 minutes on average daily except Sunday. And I just turned 70. It's the easiest physical workout I do.

And yet somehow other major cities with populations as large or larger have figured this out and it works just fine. 

Perhaps in theory. But in actual practice poor people, who can’t afford to keep a car on the rock, don’t incur such tax.

Everybody’s walkin’ at me,

A+ Your literary analogies are apt! Apt, I say!

F#ck that...the day they charge me a fee to fly my helicopter into Manhatty is the day I stop eating filet mignon and switch to sirloins and caviar, goddammit.

I’ll name two: London and Stockholm. Both successfully introduced congestion pricing and both have had 20% reductions in traffic in increased investment into public transit.

I like that we can argue over what type of asshole this obvious asshole is.

You can say it til your face turns blue, but congestion pricing is not regressive.

Who shit in your cornflakes this morning sunshine?

“it’s stupid, it will be mismanaged and only cause inconvenience for rich, not so rich and poor people regressively.”

You know what else is wild? Gabe Newell, yes, THAT Gabe Newell, co-owns this team. His response on reddit to “can you do something about this exhaust note?” was “Working on it.”. What a guy.

Motherfucking conspiracy theorists have crippled if not destroyed this country.