Sonic 2, 3 and Sonic and Knuckles are really fun. I dunno if CD was tho... never played.
Sonic 2, 3 and Sonic and Knuckles are really fun. I dunno if CD was tho... never played.
I’m pretty strongly pro-union. But the TWU has a spotty record of telling the truth. They broke a lot of trust going forward with a strike just over 10 years ago that left New Yorkers out in the cold for 3 days, and they are currently running ads attacking the mayor for the Governor’s failings. So I look forward to…
To be fair, MTA workers are New Yorkers so that interaction cancels out and I’m a New Yorker so go f**k yourself. ;)
The dead body smells better.
Every SF game emphasizes different skills. so a lot of what made somebody good at one SF game may not help them as much in a new one.
McCree’s always been hot. Stop stirring up crap, Grayson.
I bet that thing really purrs!
Lord, are Smash matches not interminably long already? If I wanted tournament finals that ran for two hours I would just watch Capcom vs SNK 2.
That’s how most of my Pub games end.
Ugh, the last people I want telling me what should and shouldn’t be at the Olympics is the mouth-breathers at deadspin.
Evidently what we are seeing here are the new Destroid designs from the upcoming Meowcross reboot.
At least the rest are ESPN legal! ;)
You wanna make mods, that’s fine. That’s cool. You wanna charge people for them, especially using someone else’s IP, that’s a dick move.
I think the Patreon thing kinda crosses the line, because then you’re directly profiting off of another IP and IP’s assets (the game engine, etc).
Read his quoted section, he’s talking about the FANS’ reaction to the mods, not capcom.
OK, how about “setting realistic goals and not making false and empty statements”? Most of the goals outlined by McLaren and Honda ended up as false promises and foolish hopes.