
You’ve actually hit upon the biggest impending problem libraries and archives are facing when it comes to electronic media and games. Software is crucially intertwined with its hardware. We’re going to lose a ton of coding and gaming history because of the simple fact there’s no equipment to play it on, and no way to

I would love it so much if this came up in EVO:
EVO Admin: “Okay, Smash ‘Gods’, you got your wish, you’ll be a featured game. Are you ready?
SG’s: “Um...no, we can’t play.”
EVO: “why?”
SG’s: “our controllers are broken and they can only be replaced by a controller that’s over a decade old”
EVO: “We’re putting our entire

I think it’s less of an issue for this genre as it’s primarily visual. Obviously the lack of audio feedback is a disadvantage, but it’s not nearly as big of an issue as in games like, say, Overwatch, where the game’s soundscape is a vital component to gameplay.

I imagine with fighting games, because it’s more personal and 1 v 1 it’s more about mind games and strategy. Plus studying the match-ups. The Twitch person I watch is Maximilian Dood, and he’s pushing 40 and way better at fighters than anyone I know. Then again I’m 34, so YMMV.

HotS is a mashup game, Overwatch is a pure universe - so I doubt it...

I’m well aware it’s why OW characters to easily come over to Heroes but you mention lore which is exactly why it doesn’t work the other way. Heroes is based around characters from various IPs coming together a la Smash Bros. but Samus Aran isn’t going to show up in Hyrule any time soon.

Vaan and Penelo are C3p0 and R2D2 / Tahei and Matashichi

Marvel has always been a broken mess even before it did the crossover with street fighter. But guess what? They were all successful because the premise is fantastic. And MVC2 lasted with the community for over a decade, and you can only use three types of team to win at EVO.
Marvel is meant to break balance to keep the

I’d like to believe that spot was supposed to go to Rusev. This is obviously terrible booking, but I’m gonna pretend there are two silver linings:

The Jinder thing doesn’t bother me, largely because...what does pay-per-view mean anymore? They only build interesting angles around four of them, only two of them mean anything to their quarterly reports. They just try to pump up the network a little bit. I wish they’d do more one-off house shows on the network, like

Okay, I gotta applaud that reference.

My car (Mazda) has a touch screen and a knob. I much prefer to use the knob. Why would you want a touchscreen while rdiving? You have to look at a touchscreen to use it. A knob, not so much.

“It makes me imagine another reality for these characters where they’re actually happy and successful. In Chun-Li’s case, that’s almost tragic, since her entire life revolves around fighting this terrifying force that killed her dad, changed the direction of her career, and probably necessitated a lifetime of

Bancho Ryu, I didn’t know I wanted this...

What the fuck? Did you just put in the bastardized console version of CoD in place of the classic PC CoD 2?

Can you imagine, being a US citizen and going through all the trouble of buying that given the restrictions only to pull the panties down and get an eyeful of mosaic pixels.

In the end, Marvel pulled through after Street Fighter V athlete Justin Wong donated a well-timed $2,000.

Marvel has been at every Evo since it was Battle by the Bay. It’s also been a top draw for Evo every year. It’s not a title that should have been on the chopping block. If anything, one of the Smashes should have been put up on the block since right now they get TWO main stage tournaments (which hogs up a main stage

lol no, that’s a widely-held opinion. People love that game!