
For Denuvo? Absolutely.

There’s a legally required pattern to turning in Japan. If you don’t do it, you fail the driving test.

It really is. Her performance is leaps and bounds the better one, and really cements the character.

100% agree. Jennifer Hale did a fantastic job.

Fem Shep is best Shep. I base that statement purely upon Hale’s performance.

I am making the same revelation. Dear god.

this. that was almost painful to read in the article. 

“The 1985 film gets two versions, the one where they start off and the alternate Biff-ruled version, there’s the throwback 1995 one, the awesomely futuristic 2015 version, and the old western 1885.”

I never realized that Biff’s tower was the Hill Valley courthouse.

This, but still no Lord of Vermilion or Gunslinger Stratos in the West.

Cat goes into space, is thoroughly unimpressed by what it sees and returns to the same couch cushion it is accustomed to.

It doesn’t say it’s based on the movies, though.

Apparently the Japanese love it.

The only reason that the K-108 returned to port was that she was commanded by the Vilniush Shkoolmashter.

Take Smash melee the fuck out. Where can I vote to do that? I’d rather see Mahvel and KI.

This is hilarious you think that real sports don’t have showboating or taunting. It is in the fabric of competitive sports. Any game I have played in there is so much trash talking. I can’t imagine what is said at the professional levels with TMZ following around player’s lives. This just happened before tonight’s NBA

NuckleDu performing teabagging on stream and in tournaments adds to the fun of watching. Capcom better not ban it from the CPT.

That’s the thing though. Sportsmanship isn’t usually dictated by concrete rules. It’s subjective judgement passed on by competitors and onlookers. You have amazing athletes that are known for having great sportsmanship, you have athletes who are known as ‘bad guys’ with poor sportsmanship. Both of which play by the

Love for a daughter and hatred for the Empire

This is a professional event, shit went down, he’s pissed. He didn’t shake his opponent’s hand, that’s really a non-story that shouldn’t matter. Very competitive people in a professional event should not be expected to always shake their opponents’ hand. If they can, great! If they don’t want to, so what?