Though, I prefer the breakdown over the video. I’d rather read then watch some doofus making goofy expressions with ear splitting background music. Usually the video is way too long in getting the point across.
Though, I prefer the breakdown over the video. I’d rather read then watch some doofus making goofy expressions with ear splitting background music. Usually the video is way too long in getting the point across.
So breakdowns of youtube videos are now passing as articles? This is the laziest shit.
Your reaction is a bit overblown but I tend to agree with the sentiment. I’m all for progressive representation in gaming, and the general abolition of hurtful and regressive tropes in entertainment in general. But, in this situation, princess peach getting kidnapped just feels cozy, like your favorite dish at…
Nintendo isnt into using their games to make political or social points. They just make high quality fun that every age can enjoy. It is just a game after all.
OMG peached got kidnapped again we better get the pitchforks out and hang nintendo for using a damsel in distress trope.
Blocked. Blocked. Blocked.
It sadly seems like Twitter directs the flow of nations in this universe.
the wise man bowed his head solemnly and spoke: “there’s actually zero difference between good & bad things. you imbecile. you fucking moron”, when will you be posting your solo vid?
OG Dust is still better. Don’t @ me.
the easiest way to not support that kind of game development is to simply not buy $60 games that are full of micro-transactions and loot boxes.
I don’t mean this condescendingly, but honestly what heavy hitters does Sony have this holiday? I know GT Sport is coming out. I was trying to look it up and while they have a lot of great games in the future, Detroit and Ni No Kuni 2 seem to be pretty far off. I think everyone knows that regardless of your platform,…
Reading about it doesn’t even come close to actually watching it. It’s a super effective piece of film making, but your reward is two hours of straight anxiety and this knot of dread and hatred that slowly grows inside of you until it unspools and you realize that things are hopeless, we’re all fucked, and we deserve…
I will probably never see this movie, but I did read this detailed explanation of the plot and holy shit.
This is why I’m looking forward to that desert city map they’ve been showing off. I’m so used to running across fields, spinning and serpentining like a panicked rabbit with an inner ear issue only to be gunned down by someone two hills over with a 4x scope and a level of patience that is so alien to me, it borders…
This is all kinds of dumb.
Plenty of ways if you know how. Most of which you dont have to feel bad about if you still have a valid key for the game. Ea cant complain if they wont maintain ways of distribution. Kinda surprised its not on origin or steam.