
I would give anything for a real Command and Conquer Generals sequel. Played the hell out of that game back in the day.

right, but they were bulky and not used on rifles.

Here, have a gif of a 1940s one.

It’s a reflector sight, in use since the early 1900s. Just cause you didn’t see it in old Cod or Saving Private Ryan or Band of Brothers doesn’t mean it didn’t exist.

IMHO, Starcraft is singularly responsible for destroying the old model of RTS’s. Their focus on the number of actions per minute and rushing people before they are ready was and remains the basis of most of the tactics people used.

Because the camera perspective never changes in an RTS, footage tends to look really boring, so most trailers avoid showing any gameplay.


Dear Nudeador Viking III,

Eventually people would run out of cocaine, and would become depressed and downtrodden. During these periods they’d greenlight or animate dark animated tales. Then they’d take the money from it and buy more cocaine.

Bah! Again it appears I must await approval from the accursed Committee of Right and Proper Thought as if I were an imbecilic malcontent. I thought this matter had been rectified this past week-end, and yet it continues to endure.

Dear Fellows,

‘“Hurts so good” might be a useful descriptor, did it not immediately conjure up unsavory and way-too-adult intimations of romantic ecstasy that I probably don’t want to associate with anthropomorphic cartoon rodents’ - Gooble Gobble Gooble Gobble, One Of Us... owo

Counterpoint: Fuck you, Chris.

No, you’re wrong.

Yeah not so much. The lettuce/tomato portion, youre correct.

This is the worst take and you should be ashamed.

I think the worst part about all of this is that these streamers are adopting this mentality that their voice can get anyone they deem a “cheater/stream sniper/cancer on the community” banned by announcing it to their fans, as seen in these videos. After that fiasco with the banning of the supposed stream sniper, of

Good. Keep it up, I say.

It’s like a celebrity getting annoyed by the paparazzi stalking them.

Streamers have to relax with this game, they are sort of ruining the game now with anyone killing them blaming it strea snipers etc