
Well it won't have a sideways motor so there's that.

It's actually because hotter takes less energy to reach the temperature of burning gasoline. Same reason boilers sometimes use combustion air heaters.

I can FINALLY sleep. Thank god!

I watched this and assumed it was some kind of spoof of the original video. I then watched the real "music" video. Wow.

Jellybean keyfinder. Also you would be amazed how many times you can use and activate one licence but calling in.

If the plane was shot down they likely won't be flying anywhere.

That looks like a mazda protege dash

You have double redundancy on your internet connection? That's serious.

Pulling 4-6000 hp from batteries would likely result in fiery death.

You just learned about the guy who basically invented binary, and that's the best comment you could come up with?

I'm not sure you're in the right place for making comments like this.

It's a hard thing to do, as a battery stores energy just like liquid fuel does. In order to release this energy is has to be converted into some other type of energy, most likely heat. The issue is that as electric cars get more viable and battery technology advances you're going to have batteries storing huge amount

3000mah actually doesn't tell you much about the capacity of the battery without knowing the voltage / number of cells in series.

Not to mention interior.


"develop a REAL appreciation automobiles, you'll realize why."

From here it looks like the video author is simply trying to inform people of the inherent flaws in different types of studies. I suppose it's as good an excuse as any to bitch about people though.

The printer generally will only come with a toner that's about 1/3 - 1/2 filled. They call it a starter toner. You would have been better off buying the cart.

You're forgetting about something very important. Without humans doing any actual work innovation will slow. As machines take over 95% manual labour the skills to do those things will be lost. You can't program a machine to do something unless you know how to do it yourself.