
Love this show. I like that the show hasn't pussied out and made the characters nicer. The AV Club may complain about the dynamic of Carol being annoying and controlling and Phil being totally self-centered, but I love it. Reminds a lot of Seinfeld. Best line: Phil lying on the pool table, drunk on booze and

It's a song about the war that made America a nation that wasn't going away, and had to be acknowledged by the world as being owed that recognition. The War of 1812 is the finale of the Revolution. Prior to it America was a banana republic that needed France's help to beat the British, and which everyone expected its

I don't think you get what the word bitch means, it isn't always pejorative. In this context it means "sassy lady".

Listen to Tom Beren-gar

Yeah, I know that. But in addition to Lysa having a crush on Littlefinger, he had a crush on her sister Cat, and banging Lysa was part of that fixation on her sister Catlyn. But mainly he was having an affair with her to usurp John Erryn, as part of his long game scheme to rule the Vale.

You misunderstood my comment, I didn't say either of those things. Littlefinger was having an affair with Lysa, he killed her husband so that he could usurp him as lord of the Aerie, which all happened. He also killed him to escalate, not prevent, a Baratheon-Lannister conflict. He later tried to kill Bran for the

The Lannisters were responsible for the destruction of the Starks, Littlefinger just escalated it so that he benefitted from whomever won, but he had no concern for which side won. If Ned had been more aggressive and less humane, Littlefinger would have been contributing to the destruction of the Lannisters instead.

Varys is acting now because as an exile for helping Tyrion, he now has nothing to lose.

Littlefinger had the original Hand of the King, John Errin, killed because he was having an affair with that guy's wife, crazy Lysa in the Aerie (because she was the next best thing to her sister, Cat, who was Littlefinger's old crush). He also killed him because the Hand and the Baratheon brothers were accumulating

I don't know that he's "laughably" wrong. In Indiana the political process has failed gay people, but businesses that are openly discriminating against gays are losing customers (both gay and straight) and losing business, and are likely to either change their policy or be driven out of business by better competition.

"Is This It?" was more than just a huge album, it was one of the top five essential albums of the zeros. Room On Fire and First Impressions Of Earth were both fine records, each with an exceptionally good single or two (12:51 is easily one of the best songs of the zeros.). Spoon never had a truly great album, and

I just listened to McClusky for the first and probably last time…
Them? (Read this in the voice of Michael Bluth saying "her?")
Not Metric?
Come on.

Yeah, that's crazy.

It's not evil to want to avenge the death of a partner. It's perhaps immoral, depending on the situation, but hardly evil. Stan knew that Vlad was KGB, he wanted payback against the KGB. It's understandable. Killing a civilian just because they were in the way is totally different.
Him cheating on a wife that he'd

People wondering why Henry doesn't have a better collection of porn, it wasn't so easy back in the 1980s. The way that a teenage boy got porn back in the 80s was to steal it, and that took nerve. You would search through desks of adults if you visited their homes and were alone, or you shoplifted magazines (anything

Getting porn back then meant stealing it, Henry doesn't seem to have the skills to do that.

Ron Swanson would say that the bill is superfluous because he'd say people have an inherent right to do with their property or business as they wish. So he'd be annoyed that a bill was created by government which presumed to grant a right that they already have.
Ron would say that the real protection against


Carmen and AVC clearly haven't read the lyrics of the song or listened to it at all. I just double checked, and there isn't a single clearly negative verse. Where do they get the idea that it's about "everything is miserable"? Each and every verse paints a picture of blue-collar middle class domesticity and the humble

Definitely not the slide whistle. It's the chilling scream that happens at 1:38 and 3:51 in the video.
Really good hatesong, because it's justified by a personal experience that nobody could argue with, instead of some douche trying to convince people who like the song that they're stupid for liking it.