
Sure there's a war between Yemeni Shiites and the Saudis with the Iranians egging it on. But that has very little to do with the US. The top post was implying that the USA is mowing down civilians from the sky like Danaerys blasting soldiers with dragon fire, and that's just not true.

Civilian deaths in Yemen are incredibly miniscule thanks to the precision of drone operators. We have killed about a thousand jihadi combatants, with the loss of only 65 Yemeni civilians. That is a huge achievement, air strikes in previous years would be far more destructive to civvies.
The stakes for the common

Cersei absolutely believes Tyrion killed her son. Why wouldn't she believe that? Tyrion killed her father.

People, stop trying to make "Latinx" happen. It's the "fetch" of SJWs. The word is Latinos.

The movie wasn't necessary for the song to be the huge worldwide hit it was, if anything the song only made the movie popular because the song and its video showing scenes from the movie advertised the film so much.

Euron has barely any land army.

Makes sense, Cersei is older and more experienced than Daeneres, and she learned well from her father Tywin. Cersei is n't smarter than Tyrion but she is highly motivated by revenge right now, she's at her best with her back against the wall.

BAD JOB, internet. Some of those albums are excellent.
I believe they just compiled a list of the favorite albums of the guys who dumped them.

They aren't saying don't choose a side, they're saying don't act like the side you chose is perfect and the other side is horrible, because they're both somewhat fucked up.
"Turd sandwich vs giant douche " isn't advocating don't vote, it's saying whoever you vote for will have major faults and the one you don't vote

"everyone but is is dumb" ? If you're making the case that people are generally smart, make sure you can write that as a coherent sentence.

They aren't talking about that. The thing that makes people hate liberals is how they tell you what you can and can't say or think. People hate how morally self-righteous and judgmental liberals are, declaring others to be racist-sexist-homophobic-etc etc. People hate how liberals are elitist, looking down on others

No, a divided USA would fight on both sides of WW1 and WW2. Because for the CSA to survive, it would need European allies, the USA would do likewise, and those allies would draw North America into WW1/2 much faster. There wouldn't be a Pearl Harbour, Americans would be in the fight in 1939.

That's not Star Wars. That's The Phantom Menace.

Jamie also murdered his cousin, the young Lannister who was imprisoned with him, in the season where he was captured by Rob. He killed his cousin just to use him as a diversion to escape, and then failed to escape. Of course there is also his near-rape of his sister in the tomb of their son, the rotten fruit of their

I'm actually astounded to learn this terrible show is still on the air. I think I lost interest after season 1? Or maybe sometime during 2. There are so many other shows to watch that are excellent!

This movie mostly sucked. I rated it a D+
Everyone in the sparsely attended matinee audience agreed. When the film was over there were murmurs of, "that's it?", which led to several audience people venting about how lame the movie was. It has a promising beginning but everything that the movie suggests could be an

Really enjoyable video, but the final thesis is just wrong, about both Cohle and Sommerset reaching a similar catharsis. Cohle at the end of TD is a lot more positive and optimistic whereas Somerset is traumatized by what has happened to his partner and his family. He shows that he will keep fighting crime, but this

It's sad that she is forced to acknowledge "mistakes" which there wasn't anything wrong with, because a few crazy people on the internet projected "racism" into videos that didn't exist. People are not stepping up “out of compassion”, they are fronting, trying to be self-righteous.
There was nothing racist whatsoever

Afghanistan is considered part of the (Greater) Middle East.
"The first official use of the term "Middle East" by the United States government was in the 1957 Eisenhower Doctrine, which pertained to the Suez Crisis. Secretary of State John Foster Dulles defined the Middle East as "the area

You can't really laugh at Four Lions much anymore after Manchester and all the other UK/Europe terror attacks.
Four Lions is funny in bits with the total idiots killing themselves, but the failure of the movie is it wants us to empathize with the protagonist and he's just as bad as the stupid ones, but much more