
It's a lot easier for adult soldiers to disobey orders than it is for a teenage girl to disobey an occupying army that has already executed her family in front of her. A 16 year old in that situation would be so traumatized that they would be easily dominated and manipulated or fall into a Stockholm Syndrome pattern

Eugenics is the wrong word, because that involves race, racism is what is wrong with eugenics. But if your notion of eugenics doesn't include race, then you need to explain what you think is problematic about eugenics.

But smart kids raised by stupid parents will be much less likely to receive education or the social skills needed to break out of the cycle of poverty. The stupid kids raised by smart parents will gain education and be taught to work hard and not make bad decisions that screw up their families. Which will turn the

It's hard to educate a person living in a dysfunctional environment. Someone who is repeating a vicious cycle, and increasing the population of persons trapped in that dysfunctional cycle.
Eugenics would mean assigning a race to "stupid people", as if they were born stupid. Idiocracy is about how people of average

Wow. Your short has the same premise as Tig's, and SNL's. Yours goes on longer, takes a tangent when they go to a bar, but it is as accurate to say that Tig ripped you off as much as SNL ripped off Tig.

It's pretty believable that he hasn't seen it. However the SNL writer who wrote the sketch must have seen it, because it's the same premise.

You are confused. Kirkman said this never happened to her on a Nerdist podcast with Chris Hardwick. She was not one of the women that CK allegedly exposed himself to. She has stated so very clearly.
She did make a different complaint about CK, that he annoyed her by hitting on her at bars a few times and that's what

Jen Kirkman never said that Louis CK did this, she has stated for the record that CK never violated her in any way. The exposure rumor happened to some other unnamed female comedians.

Surely the SNL writer who stole this sketch should be at fault, not CK for acting in it, he's the guest host not the writer. Moynihan would be just as at fault if the actors were to blame.

The advantage of this is simple. When you buy in quantity, the store gives you a lower price. I'm always deciding, do I want to pay $1.50 for a quart of milk, $2 for a half gallon, or $3 for a gallon. I usually end up buying a gallon because it's the best deal, even though I'm single and don't eat a lot of cereal. So

Do you live in Ontario though?

Carton, Jug, bag: with all of these need you to pour the milk into a glass to dunk cookies.

So who were those guys that Elizabeth followed to the first lab, where she saw those bugs? Weren't they US agents?
Interesting theory about Philip though.

She doesn't like this target, quite the opposite, she is repulsed by him because of the anti-grain program he is operating. Why else would she back off from sleeping with him?

They were a legit enemy. The first thing that would happen in a hot war would be missiles flying and thousands of tanks crossing borders in Europe, millions would die violently and food supplies would be a low priority. When starving takes weeks but SLBMs can hit Leningrad or Washington in under 15 minutes, that

I disagree, because this program is clearly being funded and managed at higher levels by the CIA. They have brought a Russian defector in to provide information. The program doesn't have security because it's only agricultural, not weapons and not the sort of technology that the CIA protects. For example the Mail

Exactly my point. Someone who finds these juvenile jokes about nudity does have a bad sense of humor (guilty as charged - except I'm not bothered because I can also appreciate highbrow humor also), can not fairly be called a homophobe.

There aren't any stereotypes towards gay people contained in straight men being weirded out by each others' nudity. There is no message about gay people being "freaks" or straights "normal", that's all entirely in your head and you're projecting it into these harmless jokes that hurt nobody.

I hate when movie reviewers try to push their politics into the review. The "gay panic" humor isn't homophobic, because it isn't hateful towards anyone. There is always going to be something funny about nudity and two men who are straight being uncomfortably close when one of them is naked. It's just awkward and that

Stop calling Star Wars "A New Hope" for fucks sake. It's such a stupid title. Star Wars is so much better. Nobody will be confused.