
A victim being afraid to call the police meshes perfectly with the historical and empirical data of women who are raped by a successful man with high social status. You're just not accustomed to that powerful person being black. It's just like OJ Simpson.
Victims of rape report that their assailant was black at a much

Those aren't things that traumatize anyone.
There are plenty of rational people who would be horrified and disturbed to learn they had engaged in sex with a person of the same sex without consenting to.
It's analogous to feeding someone food, telling them it's hamburger, but actually it's the ground up flesh of a

What's your point? The show is set in NYC. It should only have native born US citizens who speak American? NYC has a large immigrant population.

In a way, yes.

Darryl has clearly had an attraction to Carol, that's why him suddenly being gay would be a stunt.

Actually Kimmy does sound like one of the Vietnamese words for penis: Chim (sounds like cheem or keem).

Yes, ethically you have an obligation to disclose, because many people would be traumatized to know that they had been sexual with a person which they might regard as actually the same sex. It doesn't matter if you agree with that, the fact that you could be damaging someone's feelings or psyche means that you should

yu cn bt sh sur wll


Oh brother, here come the PC killjoys getting preachy about "whitewashing".
SJWs are the enemy of comedy.

"…doesn’t even pretending to care "
Pretend, not pretending, dummy.

My wild guess is that people say that phrase because they're tired of people whining about trivial things and blaming them on racism.

So basically people are saying that this character should have been white, while also complaining that there aren't enough nonwhite characters.
These scenes aren't gross, they're just maybe contrived. So a character who's nonwhite is helped by a person who's white. If you care about that then you're just oversensitive.

That's because rich people are more concerned about becoming richer, and leave it to others to do the dangerous work.

He should be proud if his daughter lives a comfortable middle class existence and goes to a nice safe college, while other people serve in her place, taking on the dangerous risks while she has it easy?


Most of these people want to have sex in the afterlife? Just celibacy in Narnia or Hogwarts for eternity, that's their choice? Seems like only the Dazed & Confused afterlife would include adult pleasures that don't involve a Holodeck.

I didn't mean to imply that Phillip's was worse, but I definitely think being so methodically molested affects him differently. I agree this scene really pushed the discomfort to a disturbing level. If we are to presume (as 3hares below does) that Elizabeth went through the same experiences, having to have sex with

Nope, that doesn't work, that route would take over an hour. Even at high speed. Nobody would drive forty minutes north to San Rafael, then turn around and go south through Marin to San Francisco. You might as well say they drove from Berkeley to San Fran, across the Golden Gate, then turned around and went back

That ending scene with the montage of people young recruit Phillip had to have sex with was so disturbing. He even had to have sex with a man? An old obese man at that? Truly repugnant. The grin that the old perv gave Phillip, aimed almost right at the camera, was so gross. Elizabeth might have been raped, but she can