
I love the detail in the Bullitt chase, EXCEPT they take the Golden Gate Bridge from Berkeley to San Francisco.
Wrong bridge

That would make sense if I was proclaiming the guy a hero, instead of just being rational and saying he wasn't a psycho babykiller

I agree, it's equally as absurd as stating that American Sniper is a cynical cash grab propaganda film. When in actuality it is the same in tone and philosophy as Letters From Iwo Jima and other serious examinations of war from Eastwood. If he just wanted to make a cash grab then he'd reboot Dirty Harry, Expendables

AS doesn't depict Kyle as a completely different person at all. It depicts him as he was, a veteran who enthusiastically volunteered over and over for tours in combat overseas and paid the psychological price for it by developing severe PTSD, to the point that he was in a highly repressed state and had a major

No, fact.
You need to do more research in this case if you think otherwise, probably you've gotten your notion from partisan blogs and the character assassinations they all link to like Lindy West's hit piece in the Guardian.

Is that not the political reality that you observe? Or are you just arguing semantics.
The same people who are the most outraged about Abu Ghraib are the ones most outraged about the Fergusen shooting, the most likely to assume that Michael Brown was shot while surrendering without resistance. Whereas the people who

Just because I'm defending Chris Kyle doesn't necessarily make me conservative, it just makes me pro-military.
Unless you're coming right out and saying that liberals are anti-military.

Surely you know that concern over civil liberties (except for gun rights) is largely a liberal issue. Historically the people who supported the African American civil rights cause were liberal.

He didn't downplay his success as sniper, after his wife made him quit the SEALs and he needed a job, and wrote a book and needed to sell the book. Seems reasonable that he didn't like talking about his kill rate during the period mostly covered by the movie, but when he had to promote his book, and then later start

Drone operators can't get killed, snipers are extremely vulnerable. As soon as they take a shot, they become a target for attacks.
Also, the reason that he got a day named after him in TX has everything to do with so many antiwar people denouncing him as a monster and a baby-killer. The hero thing is just a response to

None of that was in the book except the Ventura thing. Also Kyle likely never said that he shot looters.

But the kill rate that matters is his confirmed kills, which are not disputed. I don't think the movie mentions his unconfirmed guess as to how many insurgents he actually killed, and I wouldn't expect it to because his personal tally is unconfirmed, and naturally suspect.

The Comedian murdered a vietnamese woman, and raped Silk Spectre. You Kyle haters act like he did something terrible, committed some war crime, instead of just allegedly making some offensive comments (mostly when he was drunk due to his PTSD fueled alcoholism). Kyle never actually DID anything wrong, he just maybe

They were so few in number as to be insignificant relative to the number of American soldiers who didn't commit atrocities. Whereas committing atrocities was regular for the people we fought, and it continues to be regular in their present day incarnation as ISIS. It's fair to refer to ISIS as savages and not refer to

AS doesn't need to depict Kyle telling tall tales at the bar with other vets, because that doesn't tell us anything about him as a person. He coped with his severe PTSD with a drinking problem, and when he was drunk he told stories that he probably never expected to be repeated. It's worth noting that he never told

You could just as well say that Selma is a propaganda cash grab marketed towards liberals and African-Americans. It's less honest about its topic than American Sniper was.

How absurd. Man Of Steel was far better than Superman Returns. Ranking Superman Returns ahead of all the Christopher Reeve films is embarrassingly wrong. This is just trolling for clicks.

No he described the enemy jihadis as savages, which they are.

Every single one of them was armed. A majority were jihadists fighting for Al Qaeda Iraq.

BS. How many people has the Klan or NeoNazis killed in the past decade? Zero. How many people did Iraqi Al Qaeda (today called ISIS) kill in the past decade? Tens of thousands.