
"Only when absolutely necessary" is liberal for never. Not even after 9/11.

Sure I do.

Except American RWers aren't going to murder Seth Rogen.

It's a movie about PTSD. The PTSD is brought on by the protagonist witnessing and participating in terrible violence, and people making the debate about the terrible violence are missing the point. They're just projecting their politics about the Iraq War/Terrorism War onto the main character. The movie isn't a snow

Thanks for your brother's service. It was too high a price, but it was not for nothing.

The Arab Middle East region posed a huge threat to America and many others. It continues to do so. AQ/ISIS jihadists come from many countries, so thinking in terms of nations is irrelevant.

There was a valid reason, it was to invade the region where all the 9/11 jihadists were coming from and start a fight with them in their backyard so that they don't kill Americans here. It had mixed success, we killed thousands of those arab jihadists, and drew them into a sectarian civil war with the shiites that

It doesn't matter that "there actually were no "armed violent attackers" in the wake of Katrina", because we're not talking about reality, we're talking about a fourth-hand, made up anecdote which 3 drunks alleged that Kyle said and one of the few details they agreed on was that Kyle's tale was about repelling armed

Speaking as a Canadian, Canadians are actually the biggest super-patriots in North America. The Maple Leaf is plastered everywhere. In any issue where Canada's interests are up against big bad bully America, Canadians will back the home team. Example: liberal Canadians supporting Canadian oil and logging corporations

It's not irrelevant at all that his brag was about armed attackers. If he had been shooting unarmed refugees who were predominantly black, then he'd be a horrible racist murderer. On the other hand, killing dangerous criminals attacking the refugees in a situation where the law has abandoned them is like something out

He doesn't call them savages, he calls the insurgents savages (in the film anyways). Which based on the sectarian slaughter and atrocities they committed, was a fair description.

"Appalling"? I'm not the one dancing on the grave of a psychologically traumatized person. I've seen the film and you're displaying a pattern of jumping to assumptions when you have no idea what the context is.
The Katrina comment was a drunken anecdote about protecting New Orleans from armed violent attackers, which

Your DWI (and the one Kyle had too) could have gotten someone killed. Telling a few other drunks in a hotel room at 4 am when you're drinking whiskey in a pint glass some BS tale about shooting armed violent rioters is harmless.

He was drunk when he made the Katrina comment. The koran comment isn't coherent, what it is supposed to mean is unknown and he's dead so he can't clarify what the heck it means. I'd say your comment is propaganda.
The New Yorker article about Kyle makes clear that the image Kyle presented to the public was completely

The OP didn't cite lies in the book, he cited things (specifically the Katrina comment) that Kyle had been quoted saying while he was wasted.

False. Nation's Pride was indeed about the character Fredrick Zoller. And Nation's pride was watched by the nazi characters at Shoshanna's theater. Those are fictional events which Rogen compared to the dramatization of real persons and events in American Sniper.

What's shown in the movie is verified by other persons besides Kyle.

So what, people say a lot of crazy and incoherent things when they're drunk.

"just because they were told to?" He volunteered to join the military, serve in the SEALs, volunteered for several tours overseas, and the choice to either let an insurgent kill Americans or to kill the insurgent was his call, his finger on the trigger. He signed up because he wanted to fight the people who'd attacked

That's a very subtle distinction. When you're selling hollywood sausage to tens of millions then subtle nuances get overlooked.