
And hire an army of sellswords heavy cavalry.

Canon is irrelevant. It makes more sense for it to be a rape, Cersei isn't going to willingly have sex right next to Joffrey's corpse, that would be absurdly unrealistic. The scene that was fucked up was this one, where she seduces the guy who raped her because now she wants him, she should have had some sign of

In the short term, take her away from the Vale. Brienne would have brought Arya there and inadvertently placed her in Littlefinger's clutches. Beyond that, probably the Hound and Arya were going north to the Wall and Jon.

She has a naivete that makes her kind of dumb about how Westeros works. She lacks the Hound's clearer perspective.

I hope so, but it looked pretty fatal. Plus they gave him a death speech, and it was foreshadowed by the scene with the guy dying of the gut wound and talking like a Beckett play.

The Lannisters are screwed without Tywin. Cesei is a psycho. Jaime is obsessed with her, near-raping her when she turns him down, then falling into her arms like a pawn when she lets him get back with her. Tyrion was the only sensible child, and he goes and murders his father over a crazy whore that betrayed him. The

Two more favorite characters killed off. I wish Tyrion had killed Cersei instead of Tywin, and though I didn't want the Hound to kill Brienne, I'd have rather she died instead of him. Tywin and the Hound are just great characters. Their decisions make sense and they are rational people that I root for even though they

Good point, but you lost me with your phrase mamips.

Jesus Of Suburbia is one of the best songs of the 2000s

In 1994, having email meant your parents had lots of money and you were living with them.

Hardly a sliver, that was the 2000 election you're thinking of. In 2004 Bush won all the "battleground" states. I remember in CA as soon as the polls were closing Bush had already won Florida handily.

Get over yourself

They may have grown up in Crockett, but overall they're an East Bay band. Saying "Oakland" is how a lot of people outside the Bay Area refer to the East Bay.

Of course it does. It's a densely populated city, it has a downtown, it has slums, it has mass transit. If Oakland is urban, which it obviously is, then so is Berkeley.

What a pretentious douchebag. His entire argument is that they are rich, so they suck. Yet he concedes he likes Dookie. That's the album that made them rich! Most people downloaded American Idiot, they didn't buy it. The "Green Day" that he is mindlessly ranting about doesn't even exist. Even the laziest blogger

There aren't any legitimate 9/11 conspiracy mysteries that haven't been investigated. There are known officials who were openly revealed to have been incompetent, and yet received inadequate punishment, and relatives were right to be angry about that. But beyond incompetence there weren't any questions raised by

Everyone saying She Hulk does not look like a giant green porn star, or that she is not a male fantasy sex object, you should all do a google image search on She Hulk. I mean come on.

Do a google image search on She Hulk. "porn star" body is accurate.

How can he be from Mars. There's no life there, much less civilizations.

That was the most half assed rescue attempt ever. The end of last season promised something epic from Theon's sister, shoe could have at least killed him and put him out of his misery, instead she just runs away because of some scary dogs and a guy who's half naked. Yara = fail.