
You have an extremely poor education in the history of the Vietnam war, you've gullibly swallowed the left-wing spin of the war and you're mixing up the timeline of events. Diem was gone before significant American forces entered the war in 1965. America did not support Diem much, acquiescing with the ARVN coup that

Book people are such condescending smug assholes, as if they think they're superior because they read five books that are just airport rack potboilers. Martin isn't James Joyce. He's not even JRR Tolkien. At best he's the Stephen King of Fantasy paperbacks. The writing on the show is better and

The US didn't keep it going for 20 years, Hanoi did. The north was the country invading the south, not the other way around.
Plus, F you Alana for saying that sacrificing 60 thousand of your young men was just shrugging and walking away. The south vietnamese allies just weren't up to the fight. The NVA and Hanoi were

Nobody cares about Jaime killing the previous King, he and Cersei attacked the Starks by throwing Bran out the window, effectively drawing first blood, then as Ned learns about their incest and bastard children, they escalate that war. Plus Bran was just a child.
Book fans make too big of a deal about the whole

He shouldn't have committed incest with the Queen, duh.

Jaime tried to kill Bran because he's an amoral egotistical narcissist, who chose to have an affair knowing that when it eventually was discovered, would mean war between his House and the King.

Catelyn wasn't that bad to Jon Snow, she was just a little icy towards him. So what. I agree Tywin isn't a bad person, just the sort of ruthless person who can survive in Westeros. Though mainly he's so cool as Charles Dance plays him, I can forgive him a lot. Jaime and Cersei are straight up psychos. Jaime joked

Arya scenes are great, because she hangs out with the best characters ever: The Hound, Tywin, etc. It doesn't matter that she never does much except wander around Westeros, she's a just a girl anyhow. Not much impact that she could have on major events anyhow.

Lady Olenna doesn't want a son-in-law king that Margery can't dominate.

Arya: "Lots of people name their swords"
The Hound: "Lots of cunts"

The redemption story was stupid and contrived. Jaime is a Lannister and a bastard, and so he should remain.

The most logical thing is to let someone else volunteer to go fight the mutineers north of the wall.
Haven't you ever been in a group where a few of you are needed to do a necessary thing that none of you want to do? Some person who thinks highly of themselves always steps up.

Melisandre's religion, with its monotheism and conquest and burn the heretics aggressiveness, is most like fundamentalist islam.

Cersei isn't queen anymore, Margery is queen now.

Cersei and Jaime started the civil war by having bastard children and cuckholding King Robert, which would get them killed if he found out, and then they went on a murder spree to cover the illicit affair up.

The Ground Zero Mosque is definitely getting slimed.

You're wrong, that movie was great, still waiting for a sequel that uses Thomas Jane but has the toughness of Jane's short film and of Punisher War Zone.


Sounds like you were more fun as a teenager than as a PC killjoy.

Yes, I know something about gun handling and it was distracting how close he was holding it to his face. I think it was a character choice on Bacon's part.
"Ryan holds the gun so close to his face because he's so close to the edge, man."