
Hannibal is great, but it's second to The Americans, which also came out last year.

Yeah, this seems completely new to me, yet Glenn acts like it's a known thing that zombies go for fire. Especially with live meat in front of them.

SUPER LAME that baby Judith survived. She's already been mourned for. Now that was wasted and I really don't care to see some hackneyed joyous reunion. Hopefully Carol will just adopt her (keep her, and raise her to be the toughest little girl ever: Rick's blood and Carol's mothering). However the scene with Lizzy

Bananas are for closers

Not in 1992

Yeah it would have been much better if they had been random dudes. They should just let the camera roll on Bacon ad libbing to New Yorkers.

I couldn't watch all 10 minutes without getting bored and scrolling away. I still hear the clinkity clank of the sound fx in the embed sputtering away. I could look at a scantily clad Megan Fox for a lot longer…

Temperature measurement is primarily used by the public for the weather. Celsius is inferior at measuring that for two reasons. 1) Celsius delves down into negative numbers far more frequently. Negative numbers rarely occur in Fahrenheit, and when they do, it's really really cold. When negatives happen in Celsius,

Yes, that's why I was pointing out that the perception is wrong, it isn't the Americans who are being arrogant, it's the soccer fans in other parts of the world who are being arrogant by ignorantly assuming that Americans are trying to "claim the word". All Americans are doing is calling the game by the name it was

America is more advanced in that we have our players wear adequate gear. Hockey was played without helmets for way too long, and there are still dummies who play in the NHL without visors. When they lose an eye it's their own fault.
An army that fights in wars without helmets isn't any tougher, just dumber.

The British are the ones that gave (American) football the name football. Americans/Canadian college students learned it from British students. So the Brits are the ones to blame for calling it football, it you think there's something wrong with that. Then later when Association Football came along, the Brits again

The origin was a game more like rugby, from which football is closely evolved. (American football that is). The kicking game that became soccer came after rugby. In fact the most accurate version still played of the original game is called "Shrovetide Football" in which the ball is mainly held, and fought over in a

So weird how the show dances around the fact that Brody was an assassin who murdered the Vice President, on the orders of Abu Nazir. Sure he was programmed to do it, but it's the one thing that makes his being executed a kind of justice. When he kills Akbari, afterwards he doesn't know why he really did it, same as

In Iran they use a crane and up they go, it's seen in the movie Argo.

The Donner films aren't lighthearted, they're just as "dark" as Man Of Steel. Astronauts are murdered by Zod, Superman gets depowered and beaten up by a trucker, Lois dies in an earthquake, Lex murders a guy by pushing him in front of a train, and Superman and Lois kill Zod and his two Kryptonians. The only difference

The Evil Dead was the best horror film of 2013 (sensitive to gore maybe?) and Man Of Steel was not amazing but just as good as Iron Man 3 or Thor 2.

Lone Ranger was a steaming chunk of hairy vomit compared to Man Of Steel.

Man Of Steel was far superior to Gangster Plod.

I know, it makes no sense. Man Of Steel was just as good as Iron Man 3 or Thor 2. The movie that should have been on the list instead of MOS is Star Trek Into Darkness.

"Tiresome nudity"? I don't think you understand what those words mean. Naked Mathilda May is the opposite of tiresome.