
We just have to accept that Homeland happens in a parallel universe where Al Qaeda and Iran are allies. Sunnis and shiites are not in any conflict with each other. Presumably there's no Arab Spring or sectarian conflict in Syria, Libya, Egypt and Benghazi didn't happen. This is the only way to make sense of Iran and

Why is that strange? It's really the main explanation of how (slow-moving ) zombies would wipe out society. If a zombie outbreak happened in our world, there would be vastly greater survivors. The government/military wouldn't entirely collapse. This way makes more sense for an outbreak being total.

Handlen really missed the boat, this was the best episode of the season. I thought it was going to be another gloomy prison and disease story, but it kicked into overdrive as all the crises came into play at once, I was on the edge of my seat for the first time in a long time, the stakes and tension just kept ramping

Finally a serious answer. Your point about the episode title seems plausible. So it's because she's crazy that she's taking them daily and ignoring the result.

That makes no sense. They were all positive. After 2 or 3 positives, she knows for sure she's pregnant.

Why would she need more than 2 or 3 if it was for just one pregnancy?

I'm still waiting for a movie as awesome as Blade Runner or Raiders Of The Lost Ark that was made in the 21st century.

The most shocking thing wasn't addressed in the review. The drawer full of old positive tests: does that mean that Carrie has had, like, 30 abortions? That was my assumption. But is the show really implying that?

Probably once after each sexual encounter where she couldn't use protection because she was in the field presumably, over a number of years working for the CIA.

Persian is an ethnicity, Iranian is a nationality. If you're Persian but weren't born in Iran and don't live there, then you aren't Iranian. Like a Russian person in the 80s not calling themselves Soviet.

This bothers me too. Al Qaeda and Iran are virtually at war, or engaged with a Cold War with each other right now. He the writers not checked out the news from Iraq, Syria, etc?

Marah Eakin is using the word "equivocation" wrong. Maybe less time on Urban Dictionary looking up "throwing shade", more time on dictionary-dictionary checking 5 dollar words before using them incorrectly. 
I believe the word Marah was looking for was "equivalency".

How do you know when the car was reported stolen?

A standard M60 tripod would fit in the trunk of a car, and a tripod with it's legs held in place, say by bolting them down or with sandbags, easily controls the recoil.

Obvious troll is obvious. 
Everyone wanted Jesse to get away, he had suffered more than any other character. He was the heart to Heisenberg's cold brain.

He wasn't responsible for getting Jane hooked again, she was a junkie, she went right for his drugs and she tried to get him hooked on heroin, and to blackmail Walt. The danger she posed to Jesse is why I understand Walt letting her OD.

He didn't know if he would kill all the nazis, particularly Todd. So Lydia needed to die as insurance.

He doesn't just die, he dies hated by his family whom he has put through hell, and he admits he did that to them for himself, to cope with his fear of dying unrecognized and impotent. Walt's plans usually don't "blow up in his face" they usually go off like he planned. It's the consequences of Walt getting what he

Me too.

I got that too.