
That would mean that Native Americans were the first Americans. The first citizens of the United States of America were English colonials, they were the first people to become Americans. Native Americans were the first inhabitants of the continent of North America, but being on a continent isn't being a citizen of a

The people being offended are white or non-native American people though.
It seems that Williams is wearing stylized elements of native American clothing and hairstyles, not racial features. So everyone with an opinion on fashion has equal say in the matter. Is the fauxhawk hairstyle racist because it incorporates the

How come a basic cable network can air Walking Dead with plenty of blood and gore, but a PG13 movie can't? Is basic cable rated TV-MA now more adult than PG13?

@avclub-4ffabf87500b89362ca0abc12daf720b:disqus No, ALL people of European ancestry (meaning genes as opposed to European citizenship) are white. That's where Caucasian people' ancestors come from, is Europe. Hispanic people are either entirely of Spanish ancestry, or more commonly of part Spanish/part Native American

Eventually the show will just progress beyond Martin's books, with Martin still guiding the plot but finishing the novels after the show has aired. It will probably happen around season 8, 5 years from now. Assuming the show is still airing then.

@Donkey Lips No, by my logic (which is also the logic of the US govt) a French white guy and a Hispanic white guy like Madrigal would both be equally white. European people (and European descended people) are white. Madrigal's Mexican ancestors are clearly Spanish, from his appearance. Mexicans who have entirely

@fooltheworld If he's honest, he checks off "white". The US census form also asks people to check if they are hispanic, as it divides those who identify as white into Non-hispanic whites and hispanic whites.

How many pictures do you need to believe your own eyes that Alessandro Madrigal is white? Are you implying that the culture of origin of (one of) his parents determines his race?

@fooltheworld Are you not aware that many Mexicans are white? I'd guess that the box he checks on the census is white-hispanic.

Did you not see the photo at the top of the article?

Update: Al Madrigal is white. See photo at top of article.

He's still a middle class white dude. He may be of hispanic background but his skin is light and he speaks english without an accent.

This finale had a pretty dull closing scene. Most of the episode was entertaining, exploring the aftermath of the Red Wedding, but compared to the season 1 & 2 finales which left you breathless with anticipation, this ended on a lame note. It's redundant to show Danerys being worshiped by an adoring throng, she

Yara is too minor a character, we've not seen her at all this season, and Theon is miserable but not likable enough for us to root for him to be rescued. We'd like to see him humanely killed and put out of his misery, but not saved. Rescuing pathetic Theon would be a relief only in that his endless torture scenes

How about "TV show fans" and "Smug Condescending Know-It-All Pricks"?

He's supposed to wander around aimlessly having ambiguous visions that he's powerless to do anything about, apparently.

His place is being Sam to Jon Snow's Frodo. Away from Jon he serves no purpose. He can't even pick up a dragonglass dagger that he used to kill a White Walker, just leaves it on the ground and runs off like a idiot.

It's just how her character has been written this season as a one-note complaining nag. She was better when she was happy to be with Tyrion. Now she won't leave him but she also won't do anything but glare at him and make caustic complaints to him (and Varys this ep). The actress was great before her character was

It was Frey and Bolton men, not Lannisters. Robb wasn't hated, they were celebrating because that's how an army treats the losers of a battle. In Martin's Westeros, the vanquished are shown no mercy, no pity, only contempt, as the victors mock the weakness of those they have beaten.

For what? She shot him with arrows for literally no reason.