
You're an asshole.

These are mostly likable characters (with the exception of Jaimie). But with the Stark family wiped out, what are we supposed to root for these characters to do? What objective beyond survival do we want them to reach? It's not that Rob and Catelyn are so interesting, it's that their objective of rebelling against the

Yeah, Jon Snow is boring, he never acts as anything but an observer, despite being a supposedly capable fighter. His purpose this season was to infiltrate Manse Rader's army, and now that's blown.

They're only children at this point, who will never inherit an army to lead against the Lannisters and avenge their parents. Winterfell is gone, the Stark house is gone, the kids are scattered with no allies left to go to.

Isn't it pretty much certain that Edmure was either killed also or taken as a hostage against whatever is left of the Tullys? No way he is released by the Freys.

Davos and Gendry are minor characters at best. The Hound and Jaimie are interesting but not in a way that you can identify with them. Danerys isn't part of the main story. That leaves Tyrion who's easy to identify with but he won't cross his family.

Hardly major protagonists. Jaime is an antagonist. Jon Snow and Danarys are peripheral to the main action in Westeros. Arya, Bran, and Sansa are kids controlled by events, held hostage by other characters or hiding and on the run constantly. 
That just leaves Tyrion, who is unable to really take on the other Lannisters

Tyrion is the worst person for her to be married to, because it traps her permanently in the midst of her Lannister enemies, and she will presumably have to give birth to an enemy child. Tyrion has no ability to protect her from the other Lannisters, if they decide Sansa has outlived her usefulness and plot to kill

Tyrion can't protect anyone, he has to keep his mistress secret or she'd be dead. His power is from his Lannister name, but he can't protect someone from his family. His only real ally is hired sword Bron and maybe Varys. His own family has tried to kill him. Even knowing this, he himself is unwilling to take violent

This show really doesn't have any protagonists anymore. The Stark family were the protagonists, and they're mostly wiped out or else are relatively helpless kids. Sansa is probably dead meat now. There's Danerys, who presumably becomes the main character someday, but has been and so far remains a peripheral character.

Champion - The Drinker that's why you don't carry out the act of torture yourself, you hire someone to do it for you. A person like the guy who has Theon. Then when he has done his work you go to see the enemy, and you will feel good about yourself because he will have suffered sufficiently, it will be time to end his

It IS sudden. It only seems like he's been traveling for a long time with Brienne because they left in the later episodes on season two and now we're past midway in season 3. But in the reality of the show, not much time has actually passed. At most it's been a few weeks since he was prisoner in Robb's camp and

The Bolton guards really just have to keep Jaime alive, the notion that they have to do everything he says doesn't make sense. They took him back to Harrenhal to placate him, but for them to draw swords against other Bolton soldiers just because a Lannister threatened them seems very contrived. They can drop him off

He's a sociopathic narcissist that suddenly we are to believe has just been misunderstood. Perhaps we are supposed to blame his uber-cynical Lannister environment, yet Tyrion turned out alright. What's next, Joffrey turning into Mother Teresa?

It's bogus. Jaime was established as a narcissist who kills kids with a smile on his face, to hide that he's nailing his psycho sister. All of a sudden he turns into a chivalrous knight racing to save his lady friend. Which he accomplishes somehow by threatening Locke (who was established as a guy who refuses to give

She IS browbeating him, when she gets pissed at him for things that are beyond his control. She's acting like a spoiled child who has no understanding of how Westeros works, and throws tantrums at the one person who cares about her the most. She's not calling out his own shit, Tyrion doing what his father orders him

That would serve them right for reading this before seeing the episode.

Obviously Joffrey intentionally missed with the first arrows (or bolts) on purpose to terrify Roz as "foreplay". Roz had seen what he was and probably put up a tough stoicism at first, so a sadist like Joffrey would have to break that front in order to savour her terror as long as possible before killing her. Also

Which one is Brie?

It is pure insanity to dismiss National Lampoon's Vacation, one of the 80s funniest movies, while lauding the Ice Harvest. Maybe I need to see TIH again, but it wasn't anywhere near as funny or real as Vacation. Vacation is the classic comedy about male mid-life crisis. The "mean" quality that the reviewer is