
The problem is that not everybody has people who want to play video games with or watch them play games.

Sounds like a waste of my bandwidth. Who cares what my avatar looks like....

It means they all wrote it! Each person took their turn typing a letter. They had a four hour meeting planning this article.

I'm so glad I wasn't the only one who thought the headline said that first.

This isn't twitter. Wrong text box.

True. I should have clarified that I was talking in general terms as in they didn't release just one iPad the first time around. Good catch.

Sorry I thought you replied to me. Damn new commenting system.

I agree completely here. I think the problem we are seeing is confidence. Apple is confident enough to release 6 iterations of their tablet on first try. (Wifi 16,32,64 and WIfi 3G 16,32,64) These companies are making just 1 tablet and so it's kind of hard to be competitive. By making a premium and then a budget

I think a lot of the naysayers are missing the point. The tech specs don't matter as much in tablets. If you need beefier specs than this currently, you should go streamline your coding. I will concede that with Android Google, like Microsoft, has a hard job because they make an operating system for devices that they

Nobody knows how much RAM it has...

I don't care what the employee says or whatever. As long as today's is smaller, faster, and has a facetime camera, I'll buy it. If I constantly wait for the better update I'll never get my iPad.

So a retina display...right? When does Apple's come out? Will it be $500,000? The new magical revolutionary iEye. Aye aye cap'n!

And scientists are worried about global warming on earth.

I want them to balance it with "unlike" which removes anything related from your feed.

I love how if you boot a pirated copy of Win Xp it has a window that says this might be pirated. That's it. You're supposed to go "Ahhhh!" shut off your computer and run to the store to buy Windows 7.

Linux should be more along the lines of "Cool! Only 12 hours of coding to get it to work with my custom system!"

I could see this being great with a Mac Mini hooked up to a TV.

Especially the end of the game, or what I refer to as the "Back 9" of portal. Playing the same puzzles but from the gritty warehouse side.

Did I actually just have to watch an ad before I read the post. If so, that is ridiculous.

Case covers should be in 3D.