
New Headline: How to lose 90% of your sales before the game is released.

Agreed. Unfortunately I'm not in a Wind Zone so there goes that. However my plan is decently cheap (Around $50) cause I yelled at them for awhile. Only way to get by with rogers. Isn't fun being Canadian and dealing with this crap when the Americans are complaining "Ohh I have a 5 gig data cap for $0.18 life is

It's the reapers. Shepard warned us this was coming.

It's because carriers have data caps as was stated in the comments already. Facetiming on my iPhone over my data connection would suck down my 500 mb data plan faster than I can say Rogers. That's just the way it is.

Wearing sun screen for "protection" just took on a whole new connotation for me.

When the PS3 launched at a ridiculously high price point I thought "Okay, I may not buy one but it has intense hardware. This thing will be far more powerful in late game than the Xbox 360." Then, later on, the dropped the price and it was competitive with the Xbox 360 and I thought "I like my Xbox but the PS3 is a

If your iPad 2 has AppleCare and AppleCare applicable issue wait a few months to bring it in and you may get an iPad 3 replacement.

That's a valid point. I didn't follow rumours and Apple news as much back then so I don't know if the 4 was surfacing in rumours around then. Perhaps they've changed they're R&D cycle by working on the stepping stone and next major revision at the same time. That would make sense and explain why we see leaks and

We've seen the smaller, cheaper iPhone. It's the 4S. The 5 wasn't ready in time even after they delayed the launch date, so they released what was going to be the cheap version, the 4S, as the next iPhone.

I was excited until I realized it doesn't hover. I'll wait for the hover version.

Yep. Something else that is a clamshell. Bit larger. Called a leg topper...no...lapcomputer...no...laptop! That's it. Laptop. I forget sometimes :P

"The Vita is a small gaming machine foremost"


Why did you guys post screen caps? That was unnecessary. I'm usually a staunch defender of Gizmodo but this rings back to iPhone 4 leak. You had a story and you're going to far.

That's so cool! The first computer hacker. He got right inside and used the back door. Hope they checked for key loggers.

Come on pirate bay. Rules of physics still apply. You can't make something from nothing. You can't print food from plastic bags unless your printer can reassemble atoms. If it can link me so I can get one.

This is the year of the tech fail. RIM is tanking from stupid decision after stupid decision. Google is lobbing off its own limbs like its playing a sadistic game of how much will our end users put up with. Look out Apple. Your TV may fail. At least Microsoft can be happy, if this keeps up we may all start using Bing.

Might be the battery. Thanks. I've always wondered that. They look oaky but I always end up humming that alice the camel song.

Why do all Android phones have that strange "hump" on the back?

If I have bad gas one day will the robot start to follow me everywhere I go?