
Same reason I'm waiting to buy an iPad. Why buy one now when two months will get me the next gen.

Wow that is so cool!

@tylerbrainerd: I actually said nothing about Windows "Copying" for the record. I have a MacBook and custom built PC desktop because I don't think windows can be beat when it comes to custom hardware or gaming. I quite agree with you that PC users aren't losing anything here. I like Microsoft personally and I just

@tylerbrainerd: I will say one thing as a reply to this and then follow NorthernRoamer because he knows how to pick his battles.

That's great...just don't use it to power the arc reactor that keeps you alive. You could get palladium poisoning. When will nanotech invent a new element?

@Revolutions<: Hah actually I used it twice because command-v failed me :( I must have pasted twice. But luckily it illustrated my point!

@rjdub: Not too bad...but it sounds like tofu. Tofu isn't intense!

Now I wait for Apple to announce the new iPad with a facetime camera.

Nice. Just name it after a natural disaster and you can charge $80 for it.

@snownpaint1: I agree. Very very nice mobos from Asus. Even they're discount ones are good. I am running a P65B Express on my desktop and its still running great.

I think I speak for a lot of nerds out there when I say: I would lose my keyboard somewhere within a week. I'm that kid who's Mom had to sew his mittens to a string and put it through the sleeves of his jacket or else they would go missing. If my nose wasn't on my face I'd lose it too. I get ready to leave the house

@Gameslaya: You just explained to me why cheese was so scarce in ancient times. I finally get it. By the time they got the messages...it was too late. Poor ancestors.

@Zanzan42: And that kids, is why all claw machines are full of little girls.

@Mamba the Madvillain: True nuff. I'm getting tired of going into sneak and having my gun appear five feet in the air.

Everybody is talking about how the Mom is so irresponsible. Just taking her kid out isn't going to help her learn her lesson. They should've made her get a roll of quarters and play till she wins her daughter back then give the money to a children's charity.

I'm still riding high on the Skyrim announcement. Finally!

@maven2k: Wow you just managed to put into words exactly what I thought. Thinkpad + MacBook. So true.

I like it and at the same time I don't. It brings me back to the days of chunky sluggish notebooks. I would love to see it a bit thinner with less of a plastic-y 1998 look. Looking at it reminds far too much of my Toshiba Tecra 8000 and Windows 98 SE