
@ctxppc: Don't worry. God is considering switching us to open source so there will be more user made patches soon.

@OMEGAMAN: Hah I can believe it. "Is straining pasta this difficult?" Probably because she has a colander the size of a thimble and is moving it in circles under the pot.

@hagren: I ran into the bug at Helios 1 that when you leave a certain door, random NPCs are warped to you...and killed. So I lost an important vendor :(

@Nightshift Nurse: I know my complaint is that as a starred user (I'm starred on Giz.) and you would understand that it is annoying that by replying you automatically promote a comment. Sometimes I just want to say hey cool down a bit and then I might promote these.

This is a reply to captain_zilog it got too long for a reply so I'm making it a comment. I wouldn't call him an idiot. He just has a different approach.

@Count_Zero_Interrupt: That is an incredible idea. You just blew my mind. Avoid the trees while going down the snowy hill on a toboggan.

@Yankton: I'm waiting for an ironic troll to come and flame this comment.

@hagren: I was playing last night and got hit so many times with the crouching glitch where your gun is somehow held way up in the air.

@Sublethalend: Rookie mistake showing your girlfriend The Sims. I showed mine and didn't see her for a few weeks because she was constantly making new houses.

@mithrilfox: I had to since I bought New Vegas and then Assassin's Creed Brotherhood. I have university so I am nowhere near being done new Vegas. Finally finished Brotherhood though.

Maybe it's because when you are blindfolded you don't wanna hit stuff so you walk in circles once you find safe terrain...either that or we just found a bug in our OS.

@andrewjp33: Nicely done. It took a lot of control not to laugh loudly in the class I'm in right now.

I think we just stumbled upon the future of benchmarking. "Can it run Angry Birds?" "Yep." "Kay."

@OMEGAMAN: I love it when they show some simple task like mopping and say "Is mopping like this for you?" and show the person with like forty mops, twenty buckets, and a Moon-sized vacuum. I always find myself answering "No...No it is not."

I can see all the stuff leaking out the ends and messing up my oven.

@crazypills77: I am quite confused. All Giz does is post a cute joke about a baby and an iOS blanket and the hate starts poring.

Next keynote Steve will hold up a baby dressed in white and brushed aluminum and introduce us all to....the iChild.

@RecipeForHate: You can also use "Outlook" in windows. You don't even have to look out the window anymore!

My favourite story is about my Grandma. She got a wireless modem from Rogers, and immediately flooded their tech support lines wondering how to make it work. Finally a tech consultant (to our family's doom forever) told her that she could tell how good the reception was by how many lights were on on the modem.

I find it interesting that IGN and Gamespot gave it an 8.0 and 8.5 respectively. They both cited recycled gameplay as a negative feature but I see this is a pro. The gameplay was great, more of it is a good thing.