
@Amazing_Spiderham: Gamespot is up now. They gave it an 8.5 while the User Rating was 9.8 I tend to trust Kotaku more though.

@HotChops: I'm expecting great things. I just wanna know if its a buy right now or wait till you've finished New Vegas....a few times.....

@razzbarry: I think this is a conspiracy. It is definitely out today and people have been playing it and liking. It just seems that all the reviewers temporarily forgot it came out. Unless it is so good they don't wanna stop playing it long enough to write the review.

@Chicken Pawks: Oh yeah. I get it. Reduce notoriety by pulling down posters or reviews.

@CuttySark: Exactly wtf. I found one from CBC but that makes no sense! This is a huge game. There must be something we don't know about going on here.

Can anybody explain to me why I can't find a review for Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood on IGN, Gamespot, or Kotaku or anywhere WTF!?!?!?!

I saw this post right under a post about Dell's netbook/tablet rumour and for a second thought this picture was for that post. I was like wow that looks cool.

@Vance Thunder: Yeah I'm curious about that too. I felt the same way about New Vegas at first but now I feel like, except for the obvious chronology issue, Fallout 3 could be the expansion of New Vegas. That game is huge!

@kwahhn: That would be a way to confuse us since they have all been released in June of each year.

I think the cloud version of iTunes is quite likely. Perhaps iOS4.2 is dropping as well? iPad's deserved multitasking long ago. Whatever it is I'm glad they are only making us wait one day. Drives me nuts when they send out invitations to events a week before and I'm left going omgomgomg.

Where can I buy one! I so want to grow my bedside lamp! So awesome. This is like the episode of Big Bang Theory where Sheldon breeds luminescent fish.

@Walking Eye!: The game is teaching us a lesson. If you rob someone...always kill them first..? Now I know why my Mom didn't want me to play video games lol.

@Walking Eye!: I found that rather funny about the game. You can be a jerk and kill and steal but still have Very Good karma because half the people you kill are evil and thus give good karma.

@OutlawDominus: In that case I'm sorry to say but you might want to explore options other than RPG's.

@razzbarry: Hah oh razzberry. I'm Canadian...nuff said. It's about 10 degrees (Celsius that around 50 F) today and that is super warm for November so obviously that means it is T-Shirt time!

@Walking Eye!: I've actually found that side quests I complete fit perfectly into what, for my character, is the main quest line. I come across all the side quests naturally and it fits perfectly to complete them along my way. Been playing 20+hrs each on two characters and haven't even hit halfway on main questline.

@OutlawDominus: On the subject of the quest thing: This is the beauty of New Vegas. It requires multiple playthroughs with different characters. Each character you make will handle things differently and I know that there are 4 different main storyline progressions and you can't finish all of them. At a certain point