
Virgin has notoriously poor roaming.

A good portion of their debt is secured with those patents. If they need to do this to pay off that debt, they don't really have other options.

Or they read the news and know what the riots are about.

I would add that there are plenty of kids in college with laptops that don't have a router but do have an ethernet connection in their dorm room. You normally can't connect to a university's wireless network without a browser, but in-room ethernet connections generally don't require credentials.

You would need an HDMI/USB KVM and three adapters, and you would still lose performance.

I'm not quite ready to go back to an iPhone, but I agree that Android lost a lot of its edge. I blame the carriers in part. Free tethering, a file system that allows you download just about anything, and better video playback aren't worth nearly as much when the carriers are doing deep packet inspection and

Just responding to approve.

This is a criminal case. Arguing common law elements is pointless. There is a statute. The offense is clearly defined. It is assault.

Criminal law is statutory. There isn't anything to grasp. The article pretty clearly lays out the law. This would be assault.

How many people with mega yachts actually sail them? They tend to be used as houseboats/party venues.

It might make it easier to port iOS apps, it might make iOS users feel more comfortable using multitouch on OSX, or they might be planning a touchscreen iMac. I don't really know their reasons.

The edit made a lot of the early commenters look like crazed Apple fanboys.

"Defendants incorporated a storyline associated with the Plaintiff's likeness, identity and persona in the Infringing Ads..."

He knows he isn't going to white-collar resort prison, right?

Just the opposite direction, like scrolling on a touch screen. It is an easily changed setting.

You're forgetting the part where he had his men beat the guy while he watched. A beating and mock execution. That isn't just mistreatment, that's torture.

I didn't say anything about their capabilities in that post.

I don't think they would, at least not so close to a nuclear facility. It would require giving up too much information. It would require turning on their radar. That would give up radar locations and frequencies. Launching SAM's or scrambling jets would also be a goldmine of intelligence. If they are concerned about

Your argument was that your Samsung monitor uses an LG panel?

For the cheaper ones I would say they are designed like that. People prefer cooler colors. At the high end (Apple,) it is the difference between S-IPS and H-IPS. Apple had used older S-IPS panels. I imagine they fixed that in this refresh.