
The resolution is probably the biggest draw. That's just how much monitors in that resolution range cost.

The original monitor listed was 1920x1080. The Apple display doesn't look over-priced when compared to the Dell.

The blog post was edited. The original listed a different monitor not the Dell.

The egg is actually on our face. The drone clearly crashed. Iran can claim they shot it down, but no one outside of the country will believe it. Their military isn't that stupid.

Agreed. And only giving them the little red birds kept it realistic.

It went well beyond the first generation. And with the extended warranty offer, you could still be replacing them. For free.

That $130 isn't split adjusted. That one share would be worth $1600 today.

You're just jealous. Android's use of Oracle's code, Google Books, YouTube: these are incredibly innovative forms of theft.

Yeah, but Apple shouldn't be allowed to enforce vague patents that are largely used in many software applications. That's what's going on here. And by here, I mean Gizmodo. Because the actual patent filing was incredibly thorough. HTC clearly sold a phone with this system.

They can't sue Google because Google doesn't manufacture or sell the phones. And if you think a $35 billion can't reasonably defend itself in a patent case, I don't know what to tell you.

Because HTC built the computer. I feel bad for HTC. With their paltry $35+ billion market capitalization, they may not have the money to appeal. Hopefully someone will take their case pro bono.

She's not only on there, she's producing like half the content.

I am fairly surprised by the reaction to this post. Newshour did a piece about this a while back. Not only are they corroborating eyewitness accounts, but they are preserving the evidence. It is a lot of tougher to move the bodies when someone is consistently monitoring the site.

The 4G turns off when tether. You can root then flash a different rom or use an app to solve the problem. That requires leaving stock Android, though. If you are going to root, there are other phones with better developer support.

Nice. I have to hand it to whoever invited Tom from Myspace early on. Sending that invite must have been an awesome feeling of power.

I wouldn't do it. The 4G tethering thing is a deal breaker.

Netflix is in a pretty bad position. Their original streaming deals were a bit of a fluke. They really underpaid for what they got. Now those contracts are running out, so they are raising prices and losing content.

It is a gradual withdrawal. They've already pulled some of the better titles. Criterion must love the Netflix delivery service. Replacing those $30 Kurosawa DVD's has to sting.

That really only proves the phone has 3G.

Unless your components fell off a truck, I have a hard time believing you. Not that it matters. Your computer can't run OSX. At least not legitimately. There can be a lot of value in the operating system.