
So the original post was sarcastic, Toni Morrison is American, and if you were trying to play grammar cop, the asperand really hurts your credibility.

Agreed. It is pretty clear given who is doing the discounting that we are very close to a refresh.

"Second, I can do everything Amazon CloudDrive offers with Dropbox (even stream music to my iDevices). And Dropbox plays nice with everything everywhere. To me, that's a win."

Agreed. (I tried to promote this without replying but to no avail.)

It looks better than Rio.

Yes, we are in a class by ourselves. But there is another class the rest of the world is in on: java.awt.Color

I assume AT&T will try to make Carly Foulkes wear the slave girl outfit from Return of the Jedi.

It looks like the rain design mStand.

Teach the light saber controversy.

Teach the light saber controversy.

Teach the light saber controversy.

So the real issue is that she thinks they are tacky, right?

You have to wonder if they even watched the video before uploading it.


I think most take the RAM upgrade for granted. It will be interesting to see how much of an upgrade they feel they need to make in order to stay competitive. I really hope they move to a gigabyte.

@linuxpirates: To be fair, the Desire was mentioned in the review for the HTC Incredible.

@Stevox: This is handled on their country specific websites. I don't think they get enough traffic from New Zealand allows for a NZ specific website, but there is an Australian one.

@cakestapler: I thought Verizon pulled ahead on network size when they bought Alltel. I know Verizon and AT&T have neck and neck in subscriber count, with AT&T dominating the smartphone market.

@SeraphX2: AT&T Wireless was the largest network in the country at the time and flush with capital.