
@Erik The Red: It really is just a matter of preference, but I know plenty of people that don't like it. If you write longer emails or use a wide range of words, Swype can be a nightmare.

@ddhboy: In Microsoft's defense, Windows Mobile 6.5 was pretty bad two years ago, and completely obsolete last year. Since they only sold WP7 phones in Q4 of last year, the yearly number probably doesn't accurately reflect their current market share.

@SBM_from_LA: $15/month is pretty cheap considering they subsidize the phone.

- NPR News & This American Life

@BillBaard: Agreed, and it might be worth noting in the app description that good camera replacements don't compress pictures nearly as much as the stock app. So the picture quality is much better with Vignette, FxCamera, or any of the other great camera replacements.

@hextall5hole: Tasker really is an incredible app. And the support is great. If there is something you think the developer should include, you just ask. So much has been added that way.

@Dimensiation: I am pretty sure it's tied to the phone. You could contact the developer, and try to switch it, but that might more effort than it's worth.

@Alex Dean: If combined with the internet permission this is somewhat worrisome. Google removed a Chinese wallpaper app with the same permissions over security concerns.

@BlackSmokeDMax: Did you pay for your Prime membership? They may be rolling this out, but I have to imagine they would limit this to paying members.

@LA0811: Matthews was initially considered a suspect. What the author leaves out is that the women changed their story in a significant way: They completely absolved Clay Matthews and five other players.

@Chatboy91: Your Acer is marginally thicker than the 15" Macbook Pro.

@OgilvyTheAstronomer: The timing of his statement really was well planned. They knew what their numbers were, and putting the information out there before earnings hinted that they were going to blow away the consensus estimate.

@YourSaltyPinkDeathNuts: The phone powers the laptop in the hardware sense. The laptop dock has a 36 Wh 3-cell battery to power the screen. I don't know if it also powers the phone.

@StupidPopMediaReference: This is where I am too. The NC has pretty good specs for the price, so there is a lot of potential, but if it isn't widely embraced by the dev community, I'm not sure it's worth it.

@ealexand: In the United States it is worth between $30 and $50 a month. You can do away with a calling plan entirely.

@GREGORYABUTLER10031: She also compared watching Conan O'Brien walk around in jeggings to rape.

I have to say I am very disappointed by this.

@stimp1: I have to think that Google made a deal with T-Mobile. Something along the lines of, if T-Mobile agreed to subsidize the stock Nexus S, Google would leave out HSPA+ support.