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    Say what you will about Allison, but she got more results (the target) in one scene than anyone else did the entire season. Too bad she's working for the wrong side.

    Can we also say that Allison may also have been the mole ever since season 1? Anyways, well played Homeland because I didn't see that coming at all.

    Alex is an incredibly repulsive brat of character. He needs to be hit by a bus asap!

    Thank you very much! I knew I must have missed something. It was driving me nuts!

    Ok, someone has to explain something to me. I feel like I missed something and it's bugging the hell outta me.

    Serious question:

    I was actually just debating whether I should continue with this show. I've watched up till episode 11, Rogue's Gallery. From the comments it seems that I shouldn't waste my time continuing with this show. Also, the Nielsen ratings for the past episodes appears to support my decision and show that others are dropping

    I thought the twist at the end was awesome. That made me want season 2 immediately. Just imagine how badass a Mei Lin/Ahmed duo will be. I really hope this show gets a second season so that can play out.

    I wanted to like this, but I had to stop watching halfway through episode 4 when I realized I had not laughed out loud or even chuckled even once after almost a third of the season. Archer makes me laugh. American Dad makes me laugh. I watched an episode of American dad after I stopped Bojack Horseman and sure enough

    Does anyone thing Hatake is Walker's father? That's what I got from Hatake looking through a photo scrapbook of Walker and repeatedly glaring at Walker unusually. That's just my prediction.

    Leonard's glasses don't have any lenses lol (in the picture used for this review)

    Am I the only one who was completely caught off guard by Reese and Carter's kiss? I feel like I missed something, but did they ever demonstrate any love connection in previous episodes?

    This is such a great theory and seems so witty and plausible for Homeland, that I feel like I've just read a spoiler.

    The references to "Homeland" were awesome just because this and Homeland are my 2 favourite shows right now and that FBI agent is Mike from Homeland. It's fun to imagine these 2 shows existing in the same world while watching them.


    I've read a few reviews/comments of people saying Quinn intentionally shot the kid at the house.  Am I the only one who believes Quin simply saw someone with a flashlight and though it was a guard and shot him.  He even looked shocked when he walked out and realized it was the kid.  To me, it seemed like it didn't

    Am I the only one who just wants Helena to kill her evil father already?  Seriously, her did had her fiance killed.  I WANT her to kill her father, but this show keeps teasing it and letting that bastard get away.  Just let her get her revenge and then she can move on to another storyline.

    Kevin Bacon/Ryan Hardy is on his way to becoming FOX's new Jack Bauer!  I'm referring to the scene where Ryan shoots that cocky **** before she could finish her sentence. Pwned!

    I predict that Emma will eventually turn against Joe.  Don't know when, but the last few episodes have been starting to set that up; to me at least.

    I might be in the minority about this, but am I the only one who doesn't particularly care about the two lead characters?  I don't dislike them, but I'm not rooting for them or feeling nervous for them when they're in trouble.