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    Also, is anyone actually concerned for Joey?  I'm more afraid for Claire than Joey.  I highly doubt they will kill a child.  That would be very disturbing, even for this show.  The only reason I want Joey to be rescued to so he can reunite with his mom.  Not because I'm afraid they'll hurt him.  

    Can someone help me out with this.  I feel like I missed something.  Why is the lawyer helping Joe?  I don't remember Joe having any leverage on her?  What is Joe threatening her with to force her continue working for him.  That was bugging me this entire episode.

    The woman Stan said he would protect is a different woman.

    This is the first episode of The Americans that at the end of the episode, I just sat there for a full minute in order to take everything in (this happens to me for almost every episode of Homeland).  That's when I know that the episode was intense and or very good.  The first 2 episodes didn't quite have that effect

    Oh right, I almost forgot about that part where she interrogates Joe.  The thing that annoyed the hell outta me about that scene was why didn't anyone ask Parker what the hell was the book she gave Joe.

    Can someon please help me out on this.  At the end of episode 2, the cult specialist FBI Agent Parker went to Joe in the prison cell and gave him a book.  Is that meant to let us know that she is part of the cult too?  If not, why did she give him the book?  Did Ryan tell her to?   I feel like I missed something.

    I hope someone will read this comment.  I'm a little confused.  At the end of episode 2, Parker went to Joe's cell and gave him a book.  At the time I was watching, I thought that was a reveal that Parker is working for Joe; i.e., part of the cult.  Is that correct or not?  If not, then what book did she give Joe and

    "Homeland - Damn. Just, Damn."

    "Homeland - Damn. Just, Damn."

    C+?  Really, I thought this was easily one of the most thrilling, heart pounding episodes of the entire series!  Solid A for me.  I guess since I'm not a critic, I don't judge shows based on artistic stuff or whatnot.  Despite, POI being a action packed crime procedural, very few of the episodes actually arre

    C+?  Really, I thought this was easily one of the most thrilling, heart pounding episodes of the entire series!  Solid A for me.  I guess since I'm not a critic, I don't judge shows based on artistic stuff or whatnot.  Despite, POI being a action packed crime procedural, very few of the episodes actually arre