Ku Klux Klam

Revere is a total shit hole. If you think this was bad wait to the summer when the guido’s come out on the beach.

Hold the phone. You change as you get older? The things you like when your 20 aren’t the same things you like when your 40? I’ll stand by for the follow up about how you may have more health problems as you age.

Lost would have been an all-time TV classic if it was a tight 36 to 42 episode run. Cut out the filler episodes, plot holes and go no where twists. Instead its just a good show that I doubt will age very well over the next 10 years.

“Slam into the East” may be a bit much. In reality this storm is mostly out to sea and will graze the coast. A full fledged it on the East coast would mean 20-30 inch snowfalls not the 10-12 expected. The wind will likely cause more issues than the snow.

Having somebody who is not a parent review this episode may have been a mistake. It makes it hard to identify with the mothers choices which while extreme are not mosterous or abusive from a parental point of view.

Too lazy to look it up but I bet Cap Fans know the answer. What number is higher: The # of 50 goal season Ovechkin has or the # of 1st round exists the Caps have in the playoffs with Ovechkin on the team?

Have sex and/or masturbate—but do it under the covers, so the body heat doesn’t escape.

This opens the door for long time/current Massachusetts resident Mitt Romney to represent the fine folks of Utah. Anyone remember when Mitt seemed like the most bat shit crazy filthy Rich republican in America?

I’d like further clarification on ‘tin cup’... are we talking a VHS copy of the 1996 Kevin Cosner/ Don Johnson movie or an actual tin cup?

And all this time I thought we’d fail to colonize space because by 2075 all the great minds in science and engineering would be working for Pornhub in stead of NASA.

I just steal all the blankets from my wife in the middle of the night. Works for me.

Looks like I came to the wrong place for a mature adult discussion about ass eating.

That’s OK I think your a horrible person for playing PBUG.

My advice to these knuckle-heads? Head under the sea....

This fuck-wad does stupid offensive  stuff all the time and only apologizes when it blows up in his face. Here hoping he finally does something so dumb he’s banished from the outskirts of popular culture for ever. Sadly short of killing someobdy himself I can’t figure out what that would be.

I liked the internet better when they’d let you pirate shitty movies now we got this dingus putting up snuff films. Yuck.

If this is it for her my hope is we get a clear cut ending to their story. My gut tells me there is no way Cater is going to let that happen.

The dude has access to damn near all the money in the world. He could spend his days driving around cancer patients to doctor appointments, volunteering and homeless shelters or joining relief efforts around the world. Instead he makes shitty shirts. What a fucking waste.

Great news! I actually have a date with her next weekend. We are going skydiving. It’s great she made all the arrangements and was even nice enough to pack my parachute for me. I’ll let you guys know how it goes.

Once can only assume that there are dozens of people hard at work trying to figure out how to scrub him out of “The Secret life of Pets”