No truth to the rumor that Pratt is writing the forward?
No truth to the rumor that Pratt is writing the forward?
I wonder if Kinja posting rates have any correlation to divorce?
The fire in that video looks very odd. Something not right about it.
Same with Madden and the EA NHL series. Significant changes only take place every 4 or 5 years. Killing off the 2K sports series essentially guaranteed that over 15 years ago.
Sounds similar to “Knife Man”. I’ll have to get around to reading that some day.
Del Rio runs a tight ship. He probably gave Lynch the Game Ball.
I have a big-ass box that I made out to look like a lego. My head just barely stick out the top and It goes all the way past my knees so I have to take it off if I need to piss. Looks good though.
I did the same thing once. It was cool for about 45 minutes but then I spilled red vodka punch down the front of my shirt and I ended up looking like an ass-hole the rest of the night.
If true this would be about the most normal thing I’ve read about the White House this week.
A Dick Cheney Bio pic? Really? Count me the fuck out on this one.
I’ve never seen “Big little lies” do they show their tits?
That’s not really the best way to watch something like Luther, Stranger Things or house of cards but to each their own.
I’m astounded at the number of people that can dedicate this much time to watching TV in one sitting. If I watch nothing else it will still take me a least 19 days to make it through all of “Stanger Things” season 2. What kind of adults are these people? Are they even adults?
I guess that’s it for Dead Space 4. Not that I was holding my breath anyway. Adding multiplayer kinda put a damper on DS3 so maybe its for the best. Isaac Clark had been put through enough.
I learned the C-word from some kid in second grade. He was the master of foul language in our group. He once tried to look up ‘fuck’ in the Charlie Brown dictionary. It wasn’t there.
Never heard of Joe Mande but I like the cut of his jib.
You are right. Bad assumption by me. I guess it’s a bit refreshing that race wasn’t brought up in the article.
Pence believes in the separation of church and state but only as it applies to other peoples religion. He is 100% positive his religion is the right one so it’s Ok to apply it to government.
I could see 1 or 2 jurors falling for this crap but 5? Really? Something doesn’t seem right. Then again this is the deep South. If the defendant was black this would already be over. Death by fire is horribly painful so anything this poor woman said when first responders arrived has to be taken with a grain of salt.