Despite the reams and reams of data saying most people don’t give two hoots about Kelly NBC is doubling down on her presence. Its like they are trying to wear down viewers into accepting her presence.
Despite the reams and reams of data saying most people don’t give two hoots about Kelly NBC is doubling down on her presence. Its like they are trying to wear down viewers into accepting her presence.
What kinda country is it where some dude can’t randomly insert dick drawings into Children’s programming? The kids have no idea what it is and only realize it’s bad when mommy puts down the melot and starts screaming penis over and over again. .
Is it me or does Barron always look like he’s in a hostage video.
I find its popularity a surprising face. I can’t watch for more than 5 minutes. I’ve tried a bunch of times but that’s as long as I can make it.
Channing Tatum is just a cameo, Galahad has amnesia, stuff like that nothing major just stuff I’d rather not know going in.
With all the coin they are paying her she probably needs to be on 10 hours a week for the next 8 years for NBC to break even. I say shoe-horn her into “Will & Grace” and make her a Judge on Americans got Talent. Why not.
It could be worse he could have to wash his own knickers in the sink like the other guy from Wham! has to now a days.
Iggy must have really not liked this movie. Dudes is dropping spoilers left-and-right in this review.
only because there was too little time for sodomy before the head exploded. Otherwise Eggsy was going for before and after.
I though he was did then I remembered it was Bill Paxton that passed away. Which one was the President in Independence Day?
Meh, not one of my favorite episodes. I wish they’d have gone full-on crazy with the North Koreans targeting Tweak. Maybe have them send him a box of shit in the mail and have people spying on him round the clock.
i get a kick out of the taco bell commerical promoting this ONE X. Asking ‘how did you get here’ implies that the ONE X has exlusive content at launch that can’t be reached by standard Xbox One owners. Nothing could be further from the truth.
i get a kick out of the taco bell commerical promoting this ONE X. Asking ‘how did you get here’ implies that the…
These folks wouldn’t be so uptight if they’d just watch more porn.
Gotta love milking the golden goose til it spits out tinfoil eggs instead of golden ones. Even the best fall victim to the urge. Look at pixar. The Good Dinosaur started it and I doubt that Coco will revese the trend. No one will listen to me be please do not make Toy Story 4. Please,
Nothing unnatural about that photo. Looks like what a computer thinks if the best way to hold a baby.
Uh huh. Makes sense. You’ll need to pay me to see this when it comes out. Not because I’m anti-women or think women can’t make great films. Its just that the Oceans whatever movies all stunk on ice so any version (all female or not) is bound to follow suit. I’d much rather see this cast in a 100% original franchise…
This woman sounds fun. Bet the husband works long hours just to get away from her. She probably spends a lot of time praying and going to church too.
This chick seems like a real party. Also, the list of people that dislike you enough to chronically shit on you lawn has to be pretty small so I imagine they already know who this is.