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“Please rise for the international anthem of Extreme Fear and Panic.

This is sounding great so far. For the point “like notoriety-worthy, difficult bosses”, I would have sworn the series is already known for that. Though admittedly that the last one I played was AC3, so I could be remembering wrong or things have changed. That said, maybe the Dark Souls connection is just Patches

Oh, hell yeah. This Nurse Chapel is getting her heart broken to tiny, tiny bits, and both she and us knows that was what was going to happen....

It really is as good as I was hoping! the weird thing is that online , no one I’ve seen in either the SNW or Lower Decks camps had a bad word to say about it* which is AMAZING , that never happens with trek fans , usually someone will grumble about something.

What you said about not wanting to limit themselves to slides makes sense, especially since they patched in so many cutscenes (endscenes?) afterwards. To your point about the crunch, I remember at the time having a sneaky feeling those cutsecenes were already planned, but Bioware didn’t have the time or resources to

I think with a time crunch involved in making a big AAA game, it’s reasonable to focus on “key features involved in actually playing the game” even if that comes at the expense of “additional details in the ending.” I have to imagine they didn’t want to go with slides since it didn’t really jive with the production

I agree with most of the game resovling majo of long running plots. I somewhat agree with the Reapers, but again there where there from nr 1. How they defeated them was so , so ,but how you have to choose between three endings, I am not too much of fan of it, especially if you want Shepard to survive , then the Geth

I think Mass Effect 2 had a worse ending then Mass Effect 3.  I expected 3 to be weird and more talky then fighty but two built up this suicide mission so hard that when you final fought the “human” reaper and it looked like the cover of a metal album and was easy as hell.  It just was disappointing.  Absolutely

I think I’m with you on this, and I think the worst thing Bioware did was change the endings to the less interesting extended endings.  I really loved the discourse surrounding the original ending, even going as far as buying into the theories surrounding it.

I fully agree. I never was onboard with the hysterical backlash, even if I did think the last act of the game was weak in comparison to the rest. ME3 spends most of its time resolving the major long running plots and, imho, nails almost all of them, so the actual ending almost felt perfunctory. How the Reapers were

On Mass Effect 3 ending, it’s kind of weird as I never disliked it. The original one was weird as suddenly the Normandy is in an Eden world without any explanation and was in slight awe of the Extended Ending as it managed to expand on the endings while remaining faithful to what they were. That was for me always an

If you’re a PC gamer who mocks people who get prebuilt systems, you’re definitely living in the past.

Feel that.

I’m a PC gamer, but I usually just throw away the money on buying prebuilt computers because I’m afraid of fucking up on building my own :( Last time I got a new PC I almost did build my own, but I chickened out.

To be fair, there are barely any couch co-op games for consoles these days either. Much to my dismay.