
I didn’t expect much of Sean or James Gunn having first seen the work of both in Tromeo and Juliet but 20 years later I’m pleasantly surprised. 

I find it so weird that you can tell Weasel was played by Sean Gunn just by looking at him. 

Which is fine, but with the Mantis we’re treated to that every time you take off and land. It’s the nature of the medium that makes it stand out.

Having something of a “home” in games even if it’s fairly simple is always a nice touch. Even Star Trek Online let’s you go to your bridge and engine room. Passive elements help immersion and are a nice respite from whatever is going on in the games

The shift to landing mode is extraneous. The keel/sail rotates 90 degrees and then the top sail portion rotates back to reveal the rear landing strut, which would have worked just fine if only the bottom portion moved in the first place. It looks cool at first but if you think about it, it starts getting weird fast.  

Voyager 2 can shut down the same instrument and be in the same power situation as Voyager 1.

Spock mentions the probe fell into “What used to be called a blackhole” which implies some type of wormhole anomaly. The probe was gone.  

This also creates a neat little back story for “Project Phoenix” at Daystrom Station. SPOCK was the one who retrieved Kirk’s body and Project Phoenix was his attempt at bringing Kirk back much in the same way Kirk and McCoy helped bring Spock back from the dead.  

The malfunctioning instrument on Voyager 1 was turned off so the remaining instruments are drawing less total power. It’s not that Voyager 1 has more power but that Voyager 1 is using less power. What they are doing with Voyager 2 is trying to keep as many instruments working as possible to collect data.

The RTG’s work off the heat difference from the radioactive decay. It’s lifespan is determined at the time of manufacture and it’s component elements, not by draw of systems connected to it. The systems aren’t turned on in flight because the very act of using them wears them out over time, they are powered down to

Exactly. He knows that anti-abortion laws and transphobic laws are religious trojan horses. They will be coming for him eventually, especially given some of his extra-curricular activities could easily be painted as “satanic” He just knows he doesn’t really contribute anything to society and that the GOP are the only

For the longest time the laissez faire capitalists were able to control the narrative, they knew what the limits of thier rhetoric was. They knew what would work and what wouldn’t. The “culture wars” would allow them to bring in a huge swath of voters. They pushed an anti-intellectual stance because that would result

Pioneer 10 and 11 were predecessors to the Voyager probes but have long since gone silent. Since Voyager, there was a desire for more detailed planetary studies so the Galileo and Cassini probes were built to enter the orbits of Jupiter and Saturn respectively and lacked the onboard propellant for any meaningful

Lower Decks gave us the Black Mountain. Shaw would be the perfect character to pull off that comedy concept as dead serious and he “doesn’t want to talk about it”.

Michelle Yeoh was the one championing for Section 31 spin-off since 2018, it was the project SHE wanted to do. Her Oscar just means they can’t say no anymore. 

What are you a cop? 

Russia has put zero effort into evacuating thier wounded. They are sending them out under equipped, there is some images of Russian soldiers moving forward holding sticks as if they were rifles. They’ve used human wave infantry charges to try and overwhelm Ukrainian positions. For the political machine their lives

People have been reclassified as food.

It’s sorta like how the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea is descriptive in just the Korea part, and that is kind of subjective.

Return of the Killer Tomatoes, the sequal to Attack. had Clooney and got to pull off one of the best brick joke gags when he tosses a pizza into the air , then moves away to answer the phone, only for the Pizza to fall back down in the final act as a Deus ex Machina.