
Linkin Park for the soundtrack was one of the best decisions they made regarding the movies, that and Peter Cullen. They really could have used more of the that.

Though I think a lot of fondness for the cartoon series is built upon nostalgia that’s best left in the past.  The first movie was probably as about as good

A Spawn /Batman cross over is going to be 80% of them just perched on buildings with thier cloaks billowing in the wind.

Where’s Bob and Glitch? Where’s mainframe? Way to not know the assignment

Someone said that Matt Smith looks perfect because you can totally buy that’s the face of a family that has rampant inbreeding.  

The show works off video game RPG rules. They could fast travel to any place they’ve been before.  

I know right. Saint’s in Time is a great concept visiting past locations all throughout the time line, even in the future on Mars with Immortal Martian President Keith David which would essentially be Red Faction

it’s less keeping them on your side and more making sure your opposition is covered in corn/seed and the geese think they are near thier eggs.  

He drew a lot of people in with his early role on Stargate Atlantis. 

The real disappointment was that the elements of the cosmic horror universe that REH and his writing circle concocted were there. It had everything it needed to be a good Conan movie but it’s execution kept missing the mark repeatedly. I also think choosing to have Momoa clean shaven was a poor choice even if it fit

The real avian of horror is the Canadian Goose, the dicks of the bird world. Sure the lack the talons of a bird of prey or the spur of a cassowary, but they make up for it with numbers, noise, and the stupidity of taking on things far larger than them until said thing respects the goose.

Imagine you are pitting your

While viewing parties happen I’m willing to bet that most of the people still have thier own streaming accounts. Plus most people aren’t strategically subscribing and cancelling thier services so it is a much more long term revenue stream even though individual costs are lower. Also with the cost of things being what

They got $8 out of you along with everyone else paying for a Hulu subscription all without the cost of logistics of distributing a film to various theaters. Money wise people will spend a limited amount every month to go to a movie theater. If a single month of service costs you 50-75% of a movie ticket even though

They are blaming it on a paralegal making the error but this is one of those things that is so messed up that accident is the only rational explanation. Like the lawyer had 10 days to properly reclaim the privileged information. The only thing they sent was a message saying “disregard” when has absolutely zero legal

I want Trump to publicly to announce that Jones is a traitor (since the Jan 6 committee is getting those phone record) and is a member of the liberal deep state trying to undermine him. I want the whole wing-nut conspiracy conservatives to turn against him and destroy his empire as well as have Jones living in fear

While I’d nominally agree. This data however proves that both Jones and his lawyer perjured themselves during this damages trial. This means that the attorney knowingly had jones tell falsehoods on the stand even though they had evidence to the contrary. Had they done it on purpose they wouldn’t have acted in a way

Jones’ lawyer tried that multiple times.  Judge wasn’t having any of it. 

This was a damages trial. He was already found liable by default by not submitted the information requested by the court earlier (ironically the information his attorney accidently sent), this was only to determine how much he’d have to pay.  

The Jan 6 commission has submitted a subpoena for the phone data and Jones’ Ex wife is seeking it as evidence of malfeasance on his part in regard to their divorce. Chances are it’ll also torpedo any chance of bankruptcy for the company. It very likely might come tumbling down. Jones is one of those guys who when he

The thing is if that were true it means that they knowingly testified false information this entire time, which is disbarment. BUT it also means since they actually have this information, that they willingly ignored previous court orders to turn it over (the very thing that resulted in the default judgement to begin

it’s closer to the Bisexual Flag colors than trans.