Yeah I totally missed that joke, had i been fully away I’d have seen intensive purposes as well.
Yeah I totally missed that joke, had i been fully away I’d have seen intensive purposes as well.
totally missed that, as well as the intensive purposes.
Good on you.
It’s “champing at the bit” not “chomping at the bit”. Phonetically they sound the same. Just like “would’ve” and “would of”.
This is honestly why I may go months between play throughs but it never get’s uninstalled and kept up to date. Sometimes you just need that casual jaunt somewhere and feed the local wild life while taking selfies.
This will be an interesting play with my cat. He very much like to “help” me play Star Trek Online by swatting at all the other ships on screen but overall he’s just content to watch all the other games. He likes nature videos and is content with just observing birds but he absolutely goes nuts when a squirrel is on…
I mean technically they didn’t have to BUT because Musk made such a public statement about them having a fiduciary duty created pressure from the shareholders to accept which in turn pushed them into having to accept it as part of doing thier fiduciary duty. If Musk is anything he is a master hype-man and he knows how…
Even DS9's “arcs” were more or less independent stories with the Dominion War as a background connection. It wasn’t a serialized like Star Trek Discovery has been. It jumped around several networks and timeslots back when i saw it during it’s first run so I’d end up missing episodes fairly frequently. One network…
Now I love Star Trek very deeply. But Babylon 5 and Deep Space 9 are two different animals. B5 has more of a political bent that DS9 does and much more tightly focused story telling. DS9 however has the deep well of Trek to dip into and much better diversion episodes. It’s way easier to pick up and watch DS9 while B5…
There is more depth that’s come out years later to it. During JMS’ pitch he brought his series bible along to the Paramount exec’s which the used in the early seasons of Ds9 to steer the writers in the direction they wanted the show to go. The suit was settled out of court to avoid impacting either show as JMS…
Ironically there was WAY more meat to that than came out at the time. JMS pitched a space station based Star Trek show in the late 80's and even brought a series bible. Paramount Execs used that series bible to guide parts of early Ds9 unbeknownst to the writing staff, the whole thing ended up being settled out of…
It doesn’t help that many Democratic voters seem to lack a basic understanding of basic civics and want to party to do things beyond their capability.
It’s pretty brilliant. The actual presented lore itself is fairly shallow, especially given that is mostly presented in item descriptions. But rather than being character exposition it’s essentially history. History implies it’s a small part of a bigger whole. So the actual volume of lore is low but connecting the…
Weighing Kojima’s previous work colors the intent behind the game. In MGS1 Meryl will be caught in just panties if you follower her fast enough when she’s in disguise, MGS2 had the woman who closes her legs when you look at her and Otakon screaming at you if you lay on top of Emma when she’s unconscious, in Zone of…
That’s a lot of dough for something that is ostensibly fan fiction.
It’s really can’t because the actual lore would fit well within a classic 1990's instruction booklet.
Now I really want to see the Trump bots fight the Musk bots in cyberspace.
I know quite a few people LGBTQ folk who love Bayonetta as well, it is a great game. Male Gaze isn’t specifically about showing something that someone finds attractive but rather the way someone is depicted within the medium is done in a way that essentially shows them as subject to be observed in a way that titillates…
Given that it is going to be rated PG which ostensibly means its good for the entire family I think it’s going to do fairly well. It looks much better than most of the other PG fare out there with the added draw of it being nostalgia bait for both the Munster’s and Rob Zombie fans.
I doubt they’ll do a direct follow up. Probably a tangent connection. He played game 691 so chances are something will show up in a background somewhere as to his identity and the story itself will be completely different.
They are trying to paint themselves as salt of the earth men. The oppressive government politicians all wear suits, “they don’t know what real work is” logic is at play here. They think they are sending a message to congress they can’t control him and a message to the public that he’s fighting for them.