Argh: Card-Carrying Commie Snyder Cultist

Rotten tomatoes has a flawed ranking methodology and relies heavily on verified critics who are overwhelmingly educated white men (according to a study). A minority are black/women and a shocking minority are both (2.5%). It’s disgraceful. If you want to get a vague idea of what white men think about a movie, check

I find the comments interesting. People complaining about his fans, but they have the same attitude. Shit on the film without being willing to watch it. But endlessly discussing how bad it is on io9

So, mostly positive reviews it seems.  Oh, a lot of people on here are not going to like that.

Wait, what was Tarantino’s idea? I never did hear what he was planning...

Yeah, but Star Trek has never been a stranger to split timelines: there were two TOS movies during the first four years TNG was in syndication, and there was one TNG movie while Enterprise was on UPN.

Fun fact: Kalinda Vazquez also had Marcel comic come out this week called America: Made in the USA. It’s about America Chavez and it’s pretty good so far.

He doesn’t objectify the female too much as he does with men though. He definitely fetishizes the male form, with his lingering camera angles on tan, glossy muscled actors. Not that I’m complaining.....hehe (creepy guy chuckle).

Considering WB is not paying him for The Snyder Cut (their price for creative control), at least we know Netflix usually just pile money onto their creators.

We only saw half of the Fantastic Four movie Trank did. That half looked pretty good, the other half was heavily rumored to be directed by Dark Phoenix director and multiple X-Men movie writer Simon Kinberg and that’s where most of the complaints were. As for Ayer, the movie he made was literally very different from

Oh Thank God. I was afraid she’s gonna be the star of that Rangers of The New Republic show.

“The problem is, the first half of the movie is so misogynistic the connection feels beyond eerie. While a few are sympathetic, several of the men are downright evil to Maude, threatening to rape her, objectifying every inch of her body, demeaning her accomplishments and abilities because of her gender, it goes on and

Man, this article is like re-reading the article about The Donald on Reddit...

This is just more evidence of the many many undiagnosed or untreated people with mental health conditions in this country.

Also, you can’t really claim that showing this sort of misogyny is not useful to modern society, while simultaneously complaining about how icky it is that Max Landis had a hand in it. Doesn’t that prove that is indeed still useful?

Yet almost anyone is sure to question whether showing verbal abuse to this extent, even if it’s hypothetically accurate for the time period and serves a purpose, is useful to modern society.

I imagine a male member of the larger dinosaur types like sauropods and ceratopsians would have a.... member. Because I cannot imagine them doing mating via cloacal kissing.

If this isn’t about my half-dragon paladin helping a space gorilla fight robots, I’m not watching.

White Plume is the setting of my favorite D&D adventure.