Argh: Card-Carrying Commie Snyder Cultist

Uh, what do you think they have been doing with the last 5 movies?

Because To Sell Toys!

I think the thousands of dead children in the past decade is one reason why they will never do that ever. Especially when Bumblebee is targeting a younger audience than the Michael Bay movies.

While a lot of Transformers fans generally accept it as fantastic, critics were actually pretty lukewarm about it back in 1986. Most cinema-goers too, apparently, since it was a pretty significant flop that made them cancel the theatrical release of GI Joe The Movie.

They were going to call it Crystal Cola but a lawyer from [redacted] jumped through the glass window into their meeting room when some said that.

Let’s all point at the woman who is in prison and laugh! Haha, a Kardahsian is trying to get you out!

The car was also Starscream, Thundercracker, and Skywarp.

Nothing funny about it. Not in the original comic either, which was funny itself because CAD up to that point was a webcomic full of silly and random humor.

And now it’s gone. Like some sort of creepypasta.

Does this mean black people can’t use the N-word anymore?

Yes. Most people would prefer diss tracks to people killing each other.

Street Fighter The Movie was originally written as a GI Joe movie.

Because a lot movies have a vocal minority of detractors but it rarely affects box office in any meaningful way. Look at Wonder Woman or most of the Michael Bay Transformers movies. Bad advertising and competition are indeed two big factors since the trailers came out late (because of the massive reshoots) and

It’s more correct to say most people really does not care about Solo. It’s not a huge epic adventure thing like the other Star Wars movies, and they market it too late before its release. There’s no big hook that excites people.

It’s alway hilarious to me that people always take George Lucas’ joke names seriously, like Darth Icky and Darth Insanius, or the fact that a joke he made during a John Stewart interview led to Obi-Wan’s homeworld being named Stewjon.

What is this post doing in 2018?

Most ads have singing in them and it’s also common to use celebrities in ads.

Because he’s manly man.

I think they broke up like a year ago.