Singer. She used to date Robert Pattinson.
Singer. She used to date Robert Pattinson.
I look forward to the porn version of the Jumanji 2 scene where Bethany discovers having a penis for the first time. And it probably won’t be the same without Jack Black’s great acting in that scene.
Western porn also does not focus on nipples much. If you Asian porn (whether Far East or South Asian), they can spend a good 10 minutes showing the man fondling and/or sucking the woman’s nips. I thought that’s the whole point of breasts being a turn on.
Whedon likely wants to work on another major nerd franchise after leaving Marvel (him and Marvel have disagreements over the MCU movie and TV series).
No real source, but it does line up with a lot thing that apparently happened at WB.
I think Diesel is also getting paid for producing the movie, plus it’s actually cool that he’s headlining one of the most non-white casts in a major blockbuster.
RDJ seems kinda overpaid for being in a movie he’s not even the main character of.
First they fired Joss Whedon and now this. Jenkins is having a good time at WB.
I also heard that she hates Joss Whedon after seeing what he did with WW in JL, and refuses to work with him on any movie. This pay raise must be the best news for her after WB fired Whedon.
Kinda weird to badmouth Zack Snyder in an article about something awesome happening to Patty Jenkins. I read somewhere that she loved working with Snyder who along with his wife helped a lot in Wonder Woman’s production, and especially in contrast to Joss Whedon who Jenkins is apparently pissed at for his handling of…
I can see Disney not caring since their live action fairy tale remake movies tend to make money no matter what.
Why is it inevitable?
Those Malaysian guys who made the Infinity War trailer parody met Joe Russo at the movie’s premier in Singapore.
Disney is supposed to be making one, but no new news about it yet.
Just in time for the Artemis Fowl movie.
I think it’s the only state where arrest records are public, that’s why.
Get that guy a guest spot on Nailed It!
If he hates SJWs, he is going to hate Snyder’s Superman. The guy dodged Zod throwing a truck at him but then realized that the truck was going to hit things and people behind him, distracting him from Zod’s followthrough. What action movie hero actually cares about collateral damage that much? You know a left-wing guy…
Some comics still manage to do that but only because they have someone who actually cares making them. Last year’s Sally Forth story arc about Ted Forth’s dying father was pretty good, for example.