Argh: Card-Carrying Commie Snyder Cultist

Vicky is still a racist, but Ricegum is not called the “Asian Jake Paul” for nothing.

I thought TRU fell because they were tricked into a ridiculous amount of debt by Bain Capital.

Hashimoto’s disease (hypothroidism)

You know all this but is confused that he was in a movie directed by Michael Bay, a man whose movies (whether produced or directed) have been full off anti-authoritarian and anti-capitalist stuff?

Bay does not like Trump.

I think 13 Hours is just another example of Bay honoring soldiers while portraying the government who gave them orders in a negative light. He did this in Transformers (whether showing Obama hiding when things gets rough or portraying W. Bush as an idiot hick) and The Rock (the terrorists were all US soldiers) too.

You might not necessarily hear anything of the sort since Bay is apparently way too busy being a strict filmmaker who does not tolerate mistakes on set to harass anyone. This is allegedly why he had a beef with Megan Fox, an actress who probably cannot handle filming a movie for 12 hours in the desert.

It’s even marked as a healthier alternative there.

Now playing

I hope she appreciates how I added more explosions and scifi stuff to Happy Endings.

I think the nature of the design necessitates picking a simpler toy.

Harvey is a big part of the comic this series is based on. He... did not have a good time.

Here’s a proposal: Harvey should be murdered in the first act of this pilot, then reanimated as a rotting corpse for Sabrina to make out with. Give us something to be freaked out by, Netflix.

This is appropriate since Black Panther’s story is a lot like Prince Mohammed’s attempt to make the country more open. On top of that, Black Panther stayed in power by defeating a people’s revolution with CIA help and drone warfare.

They addressd that in the show. Not only does Rebecca have her own scary stalker, she herself gets downright psychotic more than a few times n the show. The 3rd season ended with her realisng she’s a terrible person and willingly sending herself to jail.

The series is likely another co-production with Marvel like The Gifted and Legion.

With molesters being outed left and right, of course an abuse victim who have been naming names gets a lot of attention

Fox is not working with Singer anymore.

Usually when a game is “The [place]”, it’s one of those horror adventure games made for streamers to get scared by. So I imagine The Bank is about you playing a security guard running away from ghosts of poor people.

Maybe they’re always looking to hire because they keep firing people after every project.