Right, once you’ve visited the fertility facility once “why NOT” TBH.
“Why was a rockstar donating sperm with such frequency?”
i know you will always pay higher prices for “convenience stores” but the prices have gotten outrageous. $3.80 for a gatorade. $2.50 for a candy bar. $4.00 for a small bag of chips. prices have gone from a 10-20ish percent increase over a grocery store to 50-100 percent more! When i was out of town there was a walmart…
It’s not often your light plane crash into the forest gets not only recorded, but well-framed with a good line of sight, by a random observer.
That plane crash is going to mess up the tour.
I love that episode so much because the newest Fak is just *perfect* and unexpected. Not spoiling who it is for those who haven’t gotten there yet, but that actor fits in so seamlessly as a Fak.
He’s a great chef, but terrible manager.
Pfft. Zac Efron wishes he could still play that young.
In that header image, Zac Efron looks older than Nicole Kidman.
I was definitely not expecting a B- grade for this one. I was mesmerized the entire episode. It was an easy A for me. I thought it was utterly brilliant.
Bonus Olivia Colman?
Watching large muscle men getting slapped to the ground by other large muscle men in heavy prosthetics is tight!
Oh really?!
so Big Glue is now running the AI show. It’s always who you suspect last.
This is such a bad analogy. If I use energy to charge my vehicle, then only one vehicle benefits, but Google AI can tell millions, maybe billions of people how much glue to put on their pizzas. It’s a matter of scale. And glue.
Who. Gives. A. Fuck.
The Henson Company are good sports. They hooked local developers up with a demolition guy who’s fast and affordable.
“Of course, the Chaplin Lot had a rich history before the Muppets got there, and will hopefully continue to be part of Hollywood history after the Muppets are gone.”
“Tip: Middle age guy driving around with the top down in the third week of March because the temperature cracked 48 degrees looks like a douche.”