
Man, some folks have a wildly different idea of what “fun” is but hey, that’s what makes humanity beautiful, our differences. Congrats to this dude.

Laws only matter when liberals say they matter. Otherwise, people are free to ignore laws as they see fit. What don’t you understand about this?

Awesome, well if I ever lose my job I’ll just mug you then and if you dare report me to the cops I’ll make sure to point out what a horrible unfeeling monster you are. I mean, I have a wife and kids to feed and you have money and I don’t, therefore, I can take your money. I mean, if the system doesn’t work for you,

Yeah, he did nothing wrong and liberals trying to harp on him about this only reveal their own issues. Just because something bad is happening, that doesn’t mean laws go out the window. Heck, we need laws to protect us all the more when things are bad than when things are good.

If I lose my job, I don’t get to go rob a

Awesome! Well, if I ever lose my home due to bad circumstances I will just break into yours then! And if you call the cops on me I will make sure to point you’re a heartless jerk. How dare you call the cops on someone suffering the worst crisis of their life! And what about my wife and children! You monster!

Story was that just too good to fact-check eh? But the media doesn’t have a liberal narrative it’s trying to push. No sirree. Love how the update is buried at the bottom of the article, classy!

Yeah and people are getting even worse about respecting any opinion that doesn’t already agree with theirs. I honestly don’t know why I bother.

Yes, let’s all do what we can to combat racism, and other forms of prejudice. Let’s not pretend that there is some kind of systemic racism in this country though, it’s ridiculous. Racism used to be the literal law of the land, it no longer is; we just had a Black President for crying out loud, let’s acknowledge that

Hate to tell you this but we had hurricanes before “climate change”. Also, fail to see what you’re trying to prove with those quotes. What are they supposed to say? “I see Texas got a little bit of rain from a puny storm. Everyone carry on.”

How much better could the environment get? If you’re looking for the complete and utter eradication of racism, I’m sorry to inform you it’s never going to happen. Please, find me a single perfect country. Heck, find me a single country anywhere in history that has not had discrimination, bigotry, and prejudice? You

The problem is most of the Left’s outrages are this silly. So I can hardly blame ESPN for making this ridiculously stupid decision. Gawker sites have without shame posted articles saying that air conditioning is sexist and men spreading their legs on the subway is sexist. You can’t make this stuff up. So of course

You have got to be kidding me. Just simply joking.

You know, I get being a liberal. I disagree with being a liberal but hey, it’s a big country, we’re all individuals, we’re going to have different ideas about how to do things. That’s great.

What I don’t get is sheer blind hypocrisy. That’s what just blows my mind.

Yeah, big part of why I left HS. I’ve been playing Shadowverse which is similar but I find it’s far more generous with free packs and the like so it’s friendlier to more casual players. Also a lot less RNG effects for the cards, which I appreciate. Might make for somewhat less showy plays but makes the game more fun.

Rhae was obviously the best name. It evens sounds like “ray” like a ray of sunshine or hope. Seriously, what are people playing at naming her anything else?


- Pyre was a great game, very fun and enjoyable. I admit to being someone who would not accept defeat, no shame in admitting that. I’m glad they included the option to let you restart. I am seriously considering doing a more “organic” playthrough where I just take wins or losses as they come. Just, a lot of

All the employees of course think this is a wonderful idea and fully support it . . . or else.

Personally, while I think this all well and good I don’t think it’s enough. We should have equal representation everywhere. Take the NBA, why is it so predominantly Black? We need more white people in the NBA to be properly

Much as I love video games and am totally terrible at sports, this doesn’t sit right with me. They’re just not the same thing. Glad eSports is starting to shine but it should be its own separate thing. Just my two cents.

You could wreck just about everything in Halo with the Pistol and Plasma Pistol. It was glorious.

Honestly, given the prevalence of microtransactions these days, I find it hard to get too upset about this. The problem will be if the game forces an over-long grind on you in order to try to convince you to buy from the market, that would be a problem. If they don’t go down that route, then honestly I could care

*mild spoilers below*

The mustache is great but the question he asks is if it makes him look disreputable and the answer is obviously yes. He looks like he’s about to tie you to some train tracks and run away cackling with that ‘stache. I should never have sent Rukey home, next time he stays with me . . .forever! (Ah,