
I’m not a trademark lawyer but this strikes me as ridiculous. What little knowledge I have is that yes, you do have to defend your trademark. Still, that means things like Kleenex making sure to defend the fact that Kleenex is a brand name, not the word for facial tissue in general; or Coke being Coke the brand not

You ever been in a relationship that’s all sunshine and roses? Even dating relationships without kids have challenges. There have been times I’ve been furious with my wife and wondered if getting married was a mistake, but I’ve never regretted the kids. Obviously not everyone has to have kids but I don’t think you can

My wife, God bless her, does not get these two.

1. I have my own way of doing things, it may not be the best way but it works for me. Just let me do my thing so long as I’m not actively putting the kids in danger.

2. We each need to have our things. There are tasks that are my job to do and I try to do them well so

HZD was an absolutely great game that I loved playing but some of these things really should have been in there from the start. I appreciate the ability to patch games these days but it’s a bit annoying how developers are using it to add features that should have been in from day one. At least they’re doing it for

No matter how much spleen the pro- and anti-DeMint factions vent to the press, Heritage will continue to work to move the country ever-rightward,

I personally would love to see more modesty in our culture but unless you’re going to tell me you’ve never visited porn, excuse me if I have a hard time taking this critique seriously. Seems more like virtue signaling (Oh look at me I’m a “good” guy) than a serious critique. Again, I’d personally love to see more

I’m with you, I don’t get the point to keeping both alive. Who wants to cart around a Switch AND a 2/3DS? My brother completely disagrees with me though. I guess we’ll just see whatever wacky move Nintendo tries to pull but really, all of the portability issues with Switch could be fixed by releasing a “Switch Mini”

Yeah, don’t crowdfund anything unless you’ve accepted the possibility that money may disappear and you not get a product.

Personally I’ve only funded one thing through Kickstarter and I did it because a) it had already met its goal and b) was from company that had already made a similar product so I knew they could

Now playing

Uh . . . wow. I was expecting some kind of commercial that showed black women being morphed into white women or something that could perceivably be racist. Instead the story is that a company which has usually marketed only to Black women is now also marketing to White women? Who’s the racist ones here? Wow, just wow.

I was expecting weaksauce but man, this is pathetic.

YMCA pool story - I’m sure liberals would be really understanding if the YMCA was doing something similar for Christians, pool classes that only allowed one piece bathing suits or something. Not to mention that yes, this is very much an acknowledged tactic of Muslims

I think we’ve all said things we don’t mean when we’re angry.

Sounds like a great idea and you all need to do the 2008 Prince of Persia reboot. I am personally convinced the ending of that game took what was a mediocre to good game and just threw it into the sewer.

Metroid Prime 3 released nearly 10 years ago in August of 2007. What exactly is Nintendo waiting for when it comes to making a new Metroid game? (No, I haven’t forgotten about Other M, a game I actually think wasn’t as bad as others do, but even that was 7 years ago at this point).

I know I’m one of only about 10 gamers on Earth who don’t own Overwatch but I wish a co-op PvE mode like this was part of the standard rotation. I’d totally buy the game if it was. Why limit this to an event?

“ As someone who started dating at 25, whether you want to accept it or not, you’ll need to casually date/have casual sex with at least a couple of different girls.”

Not true at all. I dated only one girl before I found my wife and we’re happily married with three children now.

“look at religious couples who wait

Honestly, what a load of drivel. If you honestly believe half of what you’ve written I feel sorry for you. No, Mike Pence, Matt Walsh, and myself are not concerned that we’ll go out to dinner with a woman and then just be so overcome with lust we’ll have to take her right there and then. It’s a simple matter of even

I’ll reserve judgment until I hear more but I have some initial reservations.

A) How on Earth can the Last City be destroyed? It’s under the protection of the Traveler, that’s the only reason it exists at all. Do the Red Legion somehow take the Traveler out of commission? Which really doesn’t make sense as the Traveler

Look at the divorce rate in this country and then tell me Mike Pence is wrong for taking the stance he does.

I wouldn’t dine alone with anyone who is not my wife, what good reason could there be for that? Yeah, odds are nothing is going to happen (my raw sexual magnetism aside :-P) but it’s just opening a door to

Maybe it’s just the general bent of articles on Kotaku? I admit that I too was suspecting that he had somehow been “cheated” when I read the headline. But no, he was just a dummkopf and he admits as much.

Eh, I’m not so sure. On the one hand, developers have talked about how the hard limitations of older consoles forced them to be more creative. Also, you can certainly make a case that budgets have ballooned out of control due to improve technology and the drive to create “photo-realistic” games and all of that. Ollie