An Endless Supply of Cynicism

Thank you. My thoughts exactly.

She definitely doesn't deserve to have her life ruined. It is kind of interesting that even this long after the events in question the focus is on her one stupid comment and the actual event that they were at is fading from public memory.

As an attorney as well I’m wondering how your reading comprehension skills are so poor. He said that from what the gif shows the player seems to be fair game, but also recognized that the gif is short and that the player may have been down prior to start of the clip. How is literally asking if the guy was down

Thanks for posting this. I had no idea it was so expensive, though I figured it must be. Now I have real info for the woefully uniformed who keep trying to tell me it’s free to come here and “easy” if they just do it legally, and like you said, get in line.

I saw and thought the same thing then the litany of fuckers being dicks to you. Well played, sir

100% with you. The clip doesn’t show anything but the hit, which looks clean. The text doesn’t say he was down earlier in the play so it is confusing. Not everyone is watching a Wisconsin game on a Saturday night.

Clip here doesn’t show the catch. If you only see this clip the context is lost.

I’m a legal immigrant here - don’t speak for me, thanks. Treating their illegal immigration as a crime deserving of detention and deportation doesn’t make me feel better. It took me 10 years to get a green card and another 12 to gain citizenship. That was a crazy amount of time and it shouldn’t be so difficult for

“I got mine, fuck all ya’ll.”

I think he was just asking the question, dude.

It’s not at all obvious, and the official is barely visible, especially when our attention has been drawn to the player being hit.

Obviously you know nothing

Man, people are really letting you have it over one innocuous comment. Shit. This is why we can't have nice things, Internet.

I thought the same thing you did. With a 1 second gif, zero context in the post, and not having watched the game what else was I supposed to assume? Sorry my attention was drawn to the kid getting his brain smashed instead of the clock not ticking to 56 and the ref waving his hands.

Rather amusingly, he is holding the ball but somehow you can’t see it at all in this gif.

Yeah, me too. The clip here just shows him running with the ball.

Isn’t that Village of the Damned?

I love you for this.

The only place where bleach is typically used is in cleaning bathrooms and kitchens and it is extremely effective at killing all microorganisms (not leaving the strongest ones behind). Plus, common household bleach is extremely safe since it evaporates to create NaCl, which is ordinary table salts.

I agree with this insanely correct post.