Hey. It’d be great if I didn’t have to scroll past 1,000 gifs. My phone is completely overloaded, and that amount of gifs was entirely unnecessary.
Hey. It’d be great if I didn’t have to scroll past 1,000 gifs. My phone is completely overloaded, and that amount of gifs was entirely unnecessary.
I believe(don’t quote me) that all modern airplanes run their AC off engine air bleed. A plane that’s idling cannot cool itself because the turbines aren’t spinning.
Lazy artists. That bear should have a real job catching fish, fattening up for winter, defending schools from other bears, etc...
If i get pregnant and do not want to carry through my pregnancy
Firstly, this isn’t currently an option at all, so we’re talking about something pretty far down the road, but the reason I would find this option so appealing is because it would take republicans off their supposed moral high ground. There’s the supposedly ‘sacred’ human life you keep talking about, in a jar. You can…
The better question is are republicans going to pay it for it. They’ve proven time and again that they’re unwilling to spend money on living, breathing children. But in this potential future scenario, the moral high ground they claim to be standing on is taken away completely.
I’m pretty sure the OP said take it out at any point. Not that they were against late term abortions.
Curious, at what point do you consider it a fetus a human if not viability?
Yall missed the point completely.
If a fetus is viable, abortion IS killing. That’s my whole point. And that’s not my point of view, it’s the Supreme Court’s.
At that point you’re simply killing for the sake of killing. You don’t want to be pregnant, you shouldn’t have to be pregnant. Just like mothers who don’t want kids can give them up for adoption. But that doesn’t mean that mothers who don’t want kids get to kill their kids.
Well, in America, you don’t get to decide when to end someone else’s life. You should get to decide how to use your own body though. That’s the difference.
Fetal viability has always been the crux of Roe-v-Wade because the court never specified a time and left it up to doctors. At some point though, it’s going to be possible to incubate fetuses without a mother.
So when Al Gore won the popular vote and lost the election, that’s because every vote counts the same right?
All votes are a waste unless you’re on the electoral college.
There have been a total of 43 presidents. Of those 43, 14 were vice presidents at some point. That means 1/3rd of US presidents used the vice presidency as a stepping stone to presidency.
Honestly, the idea that VP is a stepping stone to the presidency seems to have fully disappeared at this point.
The math of 2 people married to each other working their way independently to the presidency is so astronomical that it is essentially an impossibility. Let’s generously estimate a person has a 1 in 10,000,000 chance to become president.