Because not everyone wants a bigger 3DS. It's inconvenient, heavier, and the screen is painfully pixelated. If I can avoid carrying a bunch of large devices in my pockets, I would. Also, it lacks the colorful famicom buttons, and faceplate.
Because not everyone wants a bigger 3DS. It's inconvenient, heavier, and the screen is painfully pixelated. If I can avoid carrying a bunch of large devices in my pockets, I would. Also, it lacks the colorful famicom buttons, and faceplate.
Having different values is fine - however that doesn't change the fact that these games do not *cause* people to become violent. If anything its an outlet for a large group of people that would've lashed out in other ways if they had not.
The only thing that changed was NoA by lessening options. They started this by phasing out the regular 3DS soon after the XL came out. Now they blame lack of sales for not bringing the regular New 3DS to NA? They made a self-fulfilling prophecy.
I imagine that sales stagnated because you literally can't buy a new standard sized 3DS from a retailer now. I've looked; everywhere I've been only stocks the XL. I've wanted a standard sized one from the get-go, and thought I'd wait on the new model to come stateside. Low and behold, Nintendo only brings over the…
I don't get why anyone would want such a big screen (with low PPI) as XL. It's 96 PPI. The pixel on that thing are so big and sharp, it's a stab to the eye every time I look at that thing.
Give this to me, Nintendo. I will pay good money.
I usually give Nintendo a pass on their weird decisions, but this one is too frustrating. Americans don't live in a bubble. We can see all the amazing faceplates and exclusives other regions are getting. And then to turn around and be like "nah, you guys don't need…
pixel density > screen size
Even with all of this I don't think the chances are good for it coming out sooner than a few months or so. For whatever reason Nintendo still thinks it's the 1980s when you would only hear rumours about other system versions coming out in other countries and not well into the 21st century where we can see all of the…
Kotaku should seriously, consider adding a NSFF(not safe for feels) tag on articles like this. I never played video games with my dad but we did many other things, some of which I've discussed here on kotaku before. So it's kinda hard for me to read these stories sometimes and I'm sure it is for others too. So it'd be…
Any wine snob will tell you: the only way to make REALLY good traditional mulled wine is to boil a person alive while they're crushing the grapes.
Because people are still childish. because they or their small group of friends don't care about something, NO ONE cares.
Interesting article! Find it odd how disparaging he is of the original Famicom and Super Famicom designs. Seems a little cheeky and disrespectful. I do like his NES/SNES designs, but I think that's probably just because I grew up with the damn things and they were so important to me. Of course that could be why I…
I'm with this guy. My Vita and my 3ds get more playtime lately than my consoles. Sony needs to harness the Vita for rpgs in America. The vita is primed to be the perfect indie/rpg game, with games like Isaac.
I wonder if it has something to do with the fact that these territories did not get the NA Super NES. They got a Super NES that looked like the Super Famicom, with the colored buttons. Seems like a silly reason to keep us from getting it. But I really wanted that darn white regular 3DS with the colored buttons! :(
Yeah, pretty much this. The games are feature complete, these things are more "for fun" than anything else.
Not an issue for me. They ship complete story games with very little glitches. The story and game play is always good, if not great. Costumes are fodder for the most part. It's not a requirement to buy it to make the game enjoyable.
The truly sad thing? That given the opportunity, I would buy all of this DLC. Easily. Especially those Eva outfits, wow.
It's sad you missed all the good Tales ofs. Graces and Xillia are both better than Abyss and especially Vesperia. Symphonia is quite good, but still has a hard time to keep up with Graces of Xillias presentation.
Well, you don't 'have' to buy it at all. I do think it's disappointing, but the core games themselves are still entertaining.