
I don’t even have the option to upload anymore, but I assumed it’s because I’m in the greys :(

Exactly, I never even finished the second one

Oh lord did it get bad! I realized I never saw the last few seasons of Charmed and I recently tried to rewatch. I got through the Shannen Doherty years(I’m still mad they killed her off), then kept skipping episodes because they got more and more ridiculous(I know it was about witches, but still)

Vicki can stay IF they give Brianna more screen time.

I like liked the “will they, won’t they” with Mindy and Danny, I lost interest when they actually got together

Nurse practitioners are awesome and I prefer one as my PCP over an MD. I had stomach issues for years, doctors just gave me prescriptions that didn’t work. A nurse practitioner actually listened to me and figured out what was wrong.

My hatred of clowns stems from that goddamn movie. Remake? No thanks

Right? I don’t understand how one person can be that charismatic.

I’m going to cry into my paycheck now.

That group is why I hate Facebook.

Is she sorry or is her publicist sorry?

I keep seeing her name, but I’m still unclear as to what she’s famous for. Am I old? 😳

I guess money really doesn’t buy you class

My uncle buys into this crap. Actual words recorded onto HD video is somehow “fake”

My mom too, but she also watches the Walking Dead every week as well lol

My mother isn’t particularly religious, but she loves the Hallmark channel movies. She knows they’re all pretty much the same movie, but still loves them. She also loves the Walking Dead so I don’t really understand her TV habits

“Also when you listen to some of the commentary tracks on the Angel DVD it is simultaneously hilarious and creepy how obviously Fred was Joss’ dream girl”

Exactly. My cat is 11 years old and I don’t think she would have lived to be that age if I had let her roam outside. And she seems perfectly happy ruling her kingdom from indoors.

Where is that picture from? I remember it fueled my nightmares as a kid, but I don’t remember where I first saw it

I think I love you lol