I’m game. We drink Sauvignon Blanc 4 days a week and sweet reds on Saturday. #undateable
I’m game. We drink Sauvignon Blanc 4 days a week and sweet reds on Saturday. #undateable
Welcome to the club. I’m 28 and I use the term undatable for myself. You’re not alone.
Alright people. I’m about to pour another glass of wine and start putting together my new bed frame. I keep putting off putting it together, which results in me putting off buying a new mattress. The cycle of procrastination struggle is real. Wish me luck!
So sorry about what happened to your dog! That women’s a monster. Sending internet hugs to you and your buddy.
My vacation starts on Monday! I’m NYC based, so I’ve decided to check out the Long Island beaches. I was lucky enough to have some interns at my job who were Long Island natives and the girls hooked me UP by telling me the beaches they recommend I visit (Lido and Tobay are ones I had never heard of).
Everyone has told me great things about Wayfair-the website and the company. I plan on getting rugs and accents from there.
Hands down, the best job I’ve ever had was the side gig I had a few years ago pouring wine at a wine tasting room. You haven’t lived until you get to take free booze home from work on a weekly basis.
I wasn’t a huge fan of the final battle
I didn’t realize it was out yet!!!!!! Netflix usually throws this stuff in your face as soon as you log in.
Thanks! I’ll check out Home and HomeGoods is definitely on my list.
Furniture recommendation thread!
I have vacation time in late July and I will be spending it fully decorating my new apartment! I hope I can carve out a reading nook area in my bedroom.
It definitely feels like there’s been a lot more construction/renovations in the last 2-3 years or so. I feel like Sandy and snowocalypse ‘14 forced their hands on getting to some repairs that had been put off for years. I’ve only been here for 4 years though, so I’m used to the consistent delays.
This actually makes sense if the performers are coming up from God knows where in the audience. Logistically, it would make things a lot easier if there’s a copy of each on both sides.
but my soul is relieved
No dice! I work in the main office of an elementary school. So my job is a lot of interacting with parents, teachers, and students, managing classroom supplies and paperwork, and-my favorite-lunch duty! So it’s not something that can be done remote.
I wish networking was an option! But I work for a school, so that’s a no go. I’m actually going to do some life planning this summer so that I have a better idea what moves I want to make.
For once in a long time I’ve had a good day the whole weekend. Friday I went swimming at the Y (I also learned I need a new suit because my one piece stands out a little too much). Today I volunteered for an adoption event with a local dog rescue (see picture below). And tomorrow I’m going a nice hike up the Hudson.…